Chapter 7

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I woke up hot and sweaty with a sore throat. Mommy was next to me looking worried. I don't know why, either! Did I do something wrong? Why is she mad at me? Is she going to hurt me like Daniel and Brita?

"Caralise come here! I think Faith is sick! I don't know what's wrong!" I was proably nociably relavied she wasnt mad at me. He was by her side in a minute. How did daddy get there so fast?

"What is it, Esme?" He sounded worried and looked even more worried when he looked over at me.

"She woke up sweating and isn't breathing regularly." She isn't very... my thought was interrupted by my stomach hurting. I feel like I'm going to throw up! Daddy could probably tell this by my expression and handed me a pastel trash can with a trah bag in it.

I started to throw up for a constant three minutes, and when I looked into the trash after I threw up it wasn't left over dinner but... blood, it was blood! I haven't thrown this up, since... since, Daniel.

I'm scared! What did he do to me, this time? How did he do it? I can't believe they let them hurt me, again! How could they do this to me? I officially don't like them anymore! Any of them!

I started to scoot away. Daddy pulled me closer. I started to cry. I was scared he was going to give me over to Daniel. I shook my head 'no'.

"I'm just trying to help you, baby! Just lest me give you a check-up." Daddy was trying to help me? He caught my confused look with a hug and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I thought you let Daniel and Brita hurt me again." He looked over to the trash can.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you!" He was very loving and he started a check- up. "Her appendix ruptured. I need to take her to the hospital right away to get her into surgery." What's surgery and should I be scared?

Finding the World Alone (Twilight Fanfiction) [ COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now