Chapter 16

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I take Max's hand and lead him quickly through the portal. He looks around nervously, screaming out to lost souls from his past. I pull harder on him to drag him to the exit. We fall through and I close the portal. I pant and look at Max. He was covering his ears and shaking. "Max, it's okay. They won't bother you anymore." I put my hand on his shoulder, which makes him jump and look at me. He pants and I help him to calm down.

Once he was calm, we get up from the ground and start for the city. I look at him as we walk. Maybe I can get some answers. "Max, can I ask you a couple questions?" He looks at me and sighs, "Sure, ask away."

"What was Alice? I know she was a pasta, but what kind?" He looks ahead, "A madness one, that's what she told me. She lost her mind in Wonderland and wanted to return there, but couldn't go back. So...she wanted to bring Wonderland to her world."

I nod, "Okay, what could she do? Ability wise." He shrugs, "Hypnotism, inhuman speed, inhuman agility." He looks down. "She used hypnotism to play with her victims so they would 'join' her Wonderland."

"What can Damian do? He seems to have a different ability compared to his mother." He goes quiet for a moment before he speaks, "He...he can hypnotize, just like Alice, but he can control them in that trance-like state. He is also fond of rabbits, just like his mother and the white rabbit." He looks around, "If I remember correctly, when they first started appearing, he would be able to tell me exactly where I was that day. Really freaked me out until I found out he was sending them out." He thinks for a moment, "I believe that was it. He was a boy that liked getting into trouble."

I look at him, shocked. "That's...very different from his mother. And he's immortal?" He nods, "Not sure how about that one. I know that Zalgo made me immortal to make me suffer, but I don't know how Damian is immortal as a half human, half pasta." I shake my head, "I was told by Slendy that those born in the Underealm became immortal since it was created by Zalgo's parents,  just not used. But..."

"I wasn't with her when she had him. I don't know where she was at that time." He says. He looks up at the city as we enter the park. "Wow. It's so...big." I can see fear in his eyes as he looks at the city. "Yea, a lot of people live here, mostly humans though." I show him to where the concert was.

The stage was still set up and the tents were up as well for backstage. I point to the tents, "That's where I saw him. And I...forgot to mention that he took one of the pastas. Her name is Fear." He looks at the area and frowns, "He always liked a performance." He says quietly. He walks inside with his hands in his pockets, but is stopped by one of the bodyguards. "Hey, I'm going to have to stop you. Show isn't for a couple hours." Max frowns angrily and from frustration, "How dare you stop me! My son in the owner for this!" The guard looks at him, confused. "The owner?"

I speak up, "He means the manager of the Bewitchress." Max nods, "His name is Damian Rivermann." The guard's face drops and radios someone. Another guard walks over and looks at us, "You know Damian? No knows his name." Max crosses his arms, "I'm his father. Now let us in to see him." They look at each other and the one that came shows us into the backstage area. I look around as we walk in. It was a little lighter now that we came in the daytime. The guard knocks on a door, "Mr. Rivermann? You, uh, have some visitors."

Movement could be heard from the other side of the door. "What did I tell you about disturbing me in the morn-" He says as he opens the door, but stops when he sees us. His eyes land on Max, who looks at him with stern eyes. Damian's mouth drops as he stares at his father. "Well? Are you going to say anything to your old man? And who is that?" He nods his head to inside the room.

I look around Max and inside the room. Laying on the bed was another woman, but not Fear. She looks human; an innocent bystander in the crossfire. Damian looks at her and throws clothing at her. She runs out once she was dressed. Max watches and then looks at his son. "You have anything to say for yourself?" Damian frowns, "Shouldn't have to, father." He let's us in, glaring at me as he shuts the door.

Max watches him, "I raised you better. I raised you to be a gentleman." Damian chuckles, "That's a joke. It's much easier to use my powers and force to get what I want." His father grabs him by his pj shirt. "You will not be using your powers like that! I did not come all the way here to be disrespected by my own flesh and blood! Do you know how long I was down there?! Centuries! With stale food and spoiled drink! I didn't just fight for humans! I fought to protect you from the creepypastas!" He shakes him a bit, "Do you understand me boy?!"

Damian tries to push his father away from him, but fails. "I was only 18 when you lost the war! I was alone and had to fend for myself!" He tries to defend himself. His father shakes his head, "That is not an excuse for your behavior. You were to protect your home, did you even do that!" He growls a bit, "Now release that girl you took."

He shakes his head, "No! She is my only way to the top!" I watch and frown. "Release Fear! She's not a toy for you to play with!" I shout at him. He looks at me, "She won't remember who you are! Plus, I have who I really wanted anyway now that I think about it." He smirks.

"Damian? Is everything-?" Fear opened the door and was looking in. She runs in and pushes Max away from Damian, holding his arm when he's free. "Who the hell are they, babe?" She looks at us, protectively holding onto Damian. He watches us, "You want her?" He looks at her and snaps his fingers in front of her face. Her eyes flash red and she lets go of Damian.

When the glow subsides, she opens her eyes and looks at me with her normal cat-like eyes. Her hair falls from the ponytail and the red streak runs from her part to the right and goes to the tips of her hair. She blinks as she looks around. Her eyes land on Damian, who smirks as he looks back at her. That face doesn't last long as she punches him square in the nose.

I run up to her and hug her. "You're back!" She freezes for a moment and looks at me. She smiles and hugs me back, "Hey, Y/N. What happened?" She looks at Damian, and then sees Max picking his son up. "Wait who is that?" I shake my head. "I'll explain later. LJ is seriously worried about you. Let's get you home." I look at Max, "I'll be back later. You got him?" He nods.

Fear and I leave the backstage area, into the park and spread our wings. We nod to each other and take off into the air.

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