Chapter 15

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Max and I step out from the dungeon into the library. I look around as we step out to make sure no one was there. When we were on the main floor, the stairs lift up and cover the hole, which was where the fireplace was. Zalgo's sword clicks into place as the mechanism locks back up. Max mutters something about his own stupidity under his breath. I look back at him. "We have to hurry to get out of here. I don't know how long Damian is going to stick around, but we need to be careful. If Zalgo, or anyone under control, catches us...I don't know what's going to happen." He nods and we start to sneak out of the castle to the portal rooms.

I had lost my shoes down in the dungeons, so my bare feet were not making noise on the floor. I look up when I see a light coming down the hallway. We hide in a nook in the wall, pressing ourselves against the wall to avoid detection. I watch as Zalgo's advisor walks with a candleholder. He stops and looks at the floor. I look down at where he was looking and see a trail of dirt on the carpet from Max and I. I hold my breath as he follows the trail back to the library.

I release my breath and look at Max. In this light, I can see how Damian looks just like him. He looks down at me, "That was too close." He pushes off the wall. I see the amount of dirt on him and frown, "You can't walk around like that. We need to get you cleaned up." I step out and, with a heavy sigh from him, we head to Zalgo and I's bedroom. I peek inside and see it was completely empty. I close and lock the doors when Max walks in. "Wow. So grand." He smirks a bit and looks around.

I go to a door off to the side and open it. "Go get washed. You need it." He looks over at me and rolls his eyes. "And I'll get you fresh clothing. Which, unfortunately for you, will be one of Zalgo's suits." He goes into the bathroom and his eyes widen. "Holy shit! This is so rich!" He smiles and buzzes a bit around the room. I explain to him how everything works, the shower, the sink, even the toilet. Once I finish, I step out and close the door. I go to Zalgo's wardrobe and start to pick out an outfit for Max. I lay them on the bed and get changed myself into fresh clothing. I put on some sneakers and hear the bathroom door open. I turn and see Max come out in a towel around his waist. I see a long, deep scar running from his right shoulder to his left side, from where Alice's knife cut him when he ran.

"I do believe it is impolite to stare." He sneers a bit. I blush a bit and look away. "S-sorry. Your clothing is on the bed." I step into the bathroom to let him change. I lean against it and sigh. I go to the sink and clean up my face and my hair a little to be able to fix it up. When I walk out, Max was just putting on the jacket of the suit. He smooths it out and turns to face me, "How do I look?" I'm shocked, it fits him perfectly. He puts his hands in the pants pockets and left the jacket unbuttoned, showing off the button-up shirt underneath.

I smile a bit. "Really good, Max. Now let's get out of here." I lead him out. As we walk, I listen out for anyone, but I don't hear anything. We get to the throne room, but the sight before me makes my heart drop. A black shroud covers my chair at the top of the stairs and a black veil covers the painted portrait of Zalgo and I together. Max looks at it, frowning. "Who know that demon would fall in love. You both looked so happy." He looks at me, "I apologize for everything my son is doing. I never knew that he would turn out like...this." I shake my head, "I saw your memories. You raised him like how you were raised. But pastas have tendencies, instincts that they have to follow." I sigh, "You could've done everything to stop it, but Alice had strong instincts that she passed to him."

We sneak into the portal room, seeing that it was heavily guarded. "Damn. Why are there all these guards?" I whisper. "How are we going to get past them?" Max asks me. I look at the guards and get an idea. "The guards here are not the brightest bulb, but I have an idea." I face away from the guards and use my magic. A bubble forms over my mouth, a deep red in color. I then speak into it, "Guards!" I shout as Zalgo's voice.

They all stand at attention, "Yes sir!" I smile, "There was a ruckus down in the city. You all, go down there and investigate it!" They look at each other, "But you told us to guard the portals..." I scream, "What did I just tell you?! Go to the city at once! Or you will lose your hands!" They start scrambling and barrel past us and out of the castle. Once they were gone, I drop my magic and Max and I start to laugh. "They fall for it every time." Once we collect ourselves, I show Max to the portal to the human city. I look at him, "Are you ready?" He sighs and nods, "Ready as I'll ever be." He looks at me, "And thank you again for getting me out of there. I needed to be reminded about who I really was." He smiles a bit.

I return the smile and we go through the portal.

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