"im shitting myself, dude." (anderson webb)

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this imagine is based on the merrell twins' vlogs called 'we threw a party in a fans room' (at some points, y/n will basically be vanessa in this)

if you don't know what im talking about, watch the video. ^


y/n's pov ;

i'm currently in the merrell twins' room in playlist live. we've been friends for a long time and decided to stick together during this year's playlist live. 

sitting on the bed, we were waiting for noah schnacky, the webb brothers and ryan abe to just hang out.

I've been wanting to meet Anderson for a long time. while Harrison and I have met on several occasions like kian's house and parties. I haven't had the chance to meet his adorable brother yet.

I may have a tiny crush on him but its harmless right?

ryan reached first and the webb brothers came soon after. I stood up and hugged Harrison as he walked through the hotel room door and looked at Anderson, offering him a hug.

damn he smells good.

"hi i'm y/n. its nice to finally meet you" I said after we parted from the hug.

"hi, its nice to meet you too. im Anderson, I've heard a lot about you from harry." he replies.

we exchanged more words and from the side of my eye, I see the merrell twins and Harrison grinning at our little conversations. 

we finally sat down on the bed, all six of us catching up on each other's lives. 

and soon, someone knocked at the door. I stand up, knowing it's noah. I opened the door and saw a smiling noah. he came in the room and immediately gave me a hug after not meeting for a long time. 

he brought his guitar along with him because we all agreed to sing along in the hotel room to get a little vlog content for the merrell twins' second channel. 

he sits down on the bed, alongside the merrell twins and I sat on the other twin bed with the the webb brothers and ryan. 

knowing that I sing a lot on my channel, they had volunteered me to sing some songs with noah. which I didn't protest as it's been a dream to sing with noah.

noah starts playing the guitar while vanessa sets up the vlog camera. (act as if vanessa wasn't the one singing and instead it's y/n)

"do you wanna do the Justin Bieber song?" he says 

"yeah let's do that." I replied to him. 

Anderson sat so close to me and that made my heart jolt out of my chest knowing how close he is to me. 

"do you have an ex boyfriend?" noah asks me.

"I do." I replied to him, smiling, not knowing where this conversation is going.

"well this goes out to you" he says to the camera, talking about my ex.

I laughed and laid back on the bed, not knowing that Anderson was there. my head hit his knee, making me laugh and hold my head from the shock.

I apologised as we both were laughing and I turned back to noah asking him if love yourself is breakup song which he then answered with "yes, duh." and laughed at my stupidity.

we started singing love yourself by Justin Bieber. I tried harmonising with him, while making sure I was not off key. 

I looked at the camera and back at noah who was strumming the guitar beautifully. we were both smiling as it came to a part of the song lyrics where I realised that it was in fact a breakup song. 

I laughed as noah says "how did you not know this was a breakup song." still not believing me. 

Anderson's pov ; (yay)

as harry and I sat down on the bed watching noah carefully as he made conversation with y/n. I smiled, looking at her laughing at his attempt at making jokes about their exes.

she lays back down on the bed, not noticing that my knee was where her head was going to land on. she quickly put her hands on her head and laughed.

I smiled at her clumsiness as she apologised to me. 

she then started singing. I soon felt like I was in heaven listening to her voice accompanied by the guitar strumming at the background by noah. 

Harrison pulled me and whispered "she's amazing huh." 

I nodded to him and said "honestly, I'm shitting myself dude. I can't believe I finally met her and got to hear her voice on the same day." I rambled.

"get used to it cause I think she likes you too" he says. 

I looked at him confused, waiting for him to elaborate what he meant by that. 

"by the looks of it, she's head over heels for you just as much as you are for her. I asked vanessa too, she told me that y/n had admitted to it." he answers me.

"okay I'm officially shitting myself now." I said to him, not believing him.

I looked at y/n as she stopped singing and now she was talking to the camera about her little cover with noah. 

she finally sat back down on the bed. noah announced that he wanted to get some food. y/n volunteered herself to follow her, taking orders from us for lunch. 

as she was leaving, Harrison gave vanessa a Versace robe to put on. she gave the vlog camera to veronica and told her to film their entire exchange. Harrison turned on a song and she starts dancing to it. 

"should we dance to this song to noah and y/n when they come back." veronica suggests.

everyone answers with a 'yes' knowing how funny their reaction would be. 

(act like y/n is veronica and noah is aaron in this scenario)

we hear a knock at the door and veronica stood at the front of the bathroom while Harrison opens the door and gets ready to turn on the music while vanessa dances. 

Harrison opens the door and we see noah and y/n holding bags of food containing our lunch. Harrison starts the music and vanessa dances to it. 

y/n and noah looked confused as to what was happening and she walks a step forward and holds the handle and closes the door. making her and noah still outside of the hotel room. 

we all burst out laughing and y/n knocks on the door again. 

Harrison opens the door the second time, the song still playing and y/n smiling from the encounter earlier.

vanessa didn't stop there. as the song was on the chorus, she danced again. but this time y/n dances along with her, earning a laugh from everyone else and walks in the hotel room. putting down our food on the table and called everyone to eat.

god, I love this girl.


sorry that was a bad ending but I didn't want to end it being all cliché like the last one.

anyways, yall should be happy at this chapter because its more than a thousand words.

request me for any other imagines!

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