maybe a date?(arthur fleck)

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pov: Arthur had met Y/N on the elevator and since then, Arthur had been wanting to go on a date with you.


Arthur stepped onto the elevator carrying his bag in his hand and he pressed the button that took him to the second floor as he hears someone call out from outside the elevator.

"Wait!"He hears someone say.

Arthur softly looks up and smiles before seeing a beautiful young lady, holding a groceries bag in her arms.

"Thank you!"Y/N smiles and breathes out, finally catching the elevator for once.

"Yeah"Arthur says" If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"Arthur says and looks into your beautiful eyes.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you"Y/N says happily and sets the groceries bag in one of her arm before shaking Arthur's hand." Whats yours?"Y/N says calmly.

"Thats a beautiful name"Arthur says and smiles at you.

"Thank you Arthur, I like your name too"Y/N says and smiles before the elevator opens, Y/N stepping out and saying bye to Arthur.

"Hey!"Arthur says and he picks up the card you had dropped, having all your information on it.
He rushes out the elevator and taps you on the shoulder before giving you the card before he gives you a long but sweet stare.

"Oh! Thank you!"Y/N says" I don't know what I would do without this.

"Have a nice night, Arthur"Y/N says and smiles before stepping into her apartment and closing the door.
"You too"Arthur says and smirks before you quietly shut the door on him.

Arthur smirks and laughs out loud, heading down the hall to his apartment that he shared with his mom.


It had been a few weeks before Arthur had talked with you. Meanwhile he was laying in his bed and thinking about how he should ask you out. What if she rejects you? What if she doesn't like you? What if she doesn't like older men? What if she doesn't wanna be with you? What if she doesn't wanna..have sex with you.. Thoughts ran through Arthur's head as he just stood up and shook off all the bad thoughts and feelings he had, Arthur sighed and walked calmly out his apartment and walking over to your apartment room, carrying the flowers that he got you.

Arthur breathes in and calmly breathes back out before knocking on your door. He looks up and smiles before seeing Y/N as she's wearing a night gown, it had only been 3:34 pm.

"Hi, Arthur! "Y/N says and giggles as she walks toward him and gives Arthur a soft hug. Let's just say, Arthur couldn't take his eyes off of Y/N's beautiful face, especially her legs because they were exposed.

"I'm sorry i'm still in my pajamas, I'm just chilling out right now"Y/N says and smiles.

"That's fine.."Y/N!"Arthur says" I wanna ask you something"Arthur says and looks at you with his beautiful soft eyes.

"Go ahead"Y/N says and nods her head.

"Maybe uhm..If uhm..You wanna go on..You know..I wanna uhm."Arthur tries getting out, but before he could actually get the sentence out , You giggles and took the flowers from his hand and tugging Arthur by the collar and slowly kissing him before pulling away.

"Of course! I would love to go on a date with you, Arthur"Y/N says and smiles happily as Arthur's whole face is a light shade of red now.

"Maybe I'll get you at 6?"Arthur says and looks into her trusting and soft e/c eyes.

"Yes, perfect time!"Y/N says giggles.

"I love the flowers too, Thank you Artie"Y/N says and smells them before smiling and closing her door.

"You're welcome!"Arthur says and has a sweet smile on his face before walking back to his apartment to get ready.

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