clean getaways; ch 1

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     "i'm not an egg casey get off of me!" sam yelled as his sister sat on him, laughing quite loudly as sam struggled to push her away.

     "alright casey, that's enough." evan, casey's boyfriend, said with a small smile. 

     "hey don't be lame!" casey said playfully, climbing off of her brother and giving evan a playful punch. he laughs, rubbing his arm as if her punch hurt. 

     "casey, you ready to roll?" her dad asks, she just nods, jogging out to the car with her dad. even though she's won a lot of competitions before, she was quite nervous this time. it was up against some of the best school districts in the state. she fidgeted with a string that hung off the car seat, her palms slightly damp from the sweat.

     "you okay kiddo?" her dad asks, noticing her fidgety movements.

     "yeah. just nervous..i guess." she says the last bit after several seconds.

     "no need to be. you'll rock them, i know it." her dad gives her a reassuring smile, but that didn't help. her nerves shot up as she approached the starting line

     you can do it, casey. don't be such a wreck, she told herself. she focused, getting her posture right, bending down and touching the dusty ground, keeping her back straight so she could get a good headstart. 

     "go!" were the words she heard before she shot into a swift sprint. as she pushed her feet off the ground, she focused on the thuds they made while hitting the ground. as she left her trance, she realized she was running ahead of everyone, and that made the thrill even more intense.

     she smiled to herself, but heard another pair of footsteps right next to her. she knew how to deal with this.

     she looked to her left, seeing a shorter, tan girl with dark hair.

     "boomer, huh?" she said in a breathy tone, catching the attention of the girl next to her.

     "wha..what?" she said, casey noticed trickles of sweat running down her face.

     "you know.." she glanced down at the girls shoes, nike running shoes, looked wore down.

     "hand-me-down shoes aren't the best shoes for track." she said swiftly,

     "uh.." she looked clueless, taking a quick glance at her shoes, which made her slow down enough so casey could push her feet harder, shooting past the girl, and right into the finish line. 

     she saw the look of disappointment on the girls face, and an older guy, which casey assumed to be her dad, walking towards her. 

     "what went wrong back there? you disappointed everyone, izzie." he said to the girl, whos name was izzie.

     "i-im sorry dad i can do better!" she says frantically, with a frown

     "yeah, whatever. you say that everytime." he walks off, an angry look plastered onto his wrinkly face. casey's heart practically broke at the scene that took place.

     "hey um..i'm sorry for what i did back there. totally uncool of me, i know." casey says, scratching the back of her neck. izzie just frowns, shaking her head,

     "it's whatever. i..shouldn't have gotten distracted anyways." 

     "no way, it wasn't your fault. it was mine, trust me. no need to blame yourself." she wasn't used to being this nice to random people, but if she knew her dad was gonna be that tough on her, she would've just let her win. 

     "thanks i guess. you're still a jerk for doing that, though." izzie frowns, casey just chuckles.

     "just being a good sport." casey says, and with that she walks away, leaving izzie confused as to if casey called her a bad athlete or not.

     casey accepted the first place medal with a big grin, watching as izzie glumly took the second place medal and let it hang from her side. they made eye contact, and casey just did a fake frown, leaving izzie even more frustrated.

     as much as casey felt bad, she couldn't help it. yeah, she was kind of a jerk. and she knew it. she was kind of known as the "bad kid" from things in the past she's done. she never had regrets, as mean as she could be, if you were her friend or close to her, she'd really be the best friend you could have, but from her attitude she didn't have many friends, just her boyfriend, brother and some weird guy who would never leave her alone at school. 

     meanwhile, izzie was that sensitive, vulnerable girl that was nice to everyone. she hung out with the popular kids, making her popular herself. she was probably the most innocent person ever, and a lot of people hate her for being so nice and "perfect." but she wasn't really dating the perfect guy, he was a complete douchebag. but she was unaware of that, and just kept him, oblivious to the fact he was an asshole.

     izzie arrived at home, dreading the complaints and disappointment she would get when she entered the door.

     her little brother came up to her,

"you suck at track. that was such an easy win!" he giggled as he ran up the stairs. she wasn't really hurt by what he had to say as he was in the 5th grade. but before anyone else could say stuff to her, she stormed up the stairs and into her bedroom, collapsing onto the bed and immediately bursting into tears, her heart shattering. she never knew why her parents could be proud of her, they wanted everything she did to be perfect. and if it wasn't, it was a mess. she tried so hard, just so she wouldn't disappoint them, but they never saw that.

     she fell asleep, her thoughts racing and her anxiety creeping into her dreams.

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