That Day

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Melody's POV

As I got out of my car I practiced my speech until I got to the house door. I rung the doorbell waiting for someone to answer. Who is it?! I hear him yell. It's me Melody. I say back. He opens the door with a surprised look. Hey what are you doing here ma? Not that I'm not happy to see you but .... He says trailing off a little confused. We need to talk. I say. Okay let's go up to my ro- I cut him off. No! I-I mean right here is fine. I say and I take a deep breathe. Caleb we can't do this anymore. I say looking at the floor. What?! Mel come on babygirl don't do this. He says softly grabbing my hands. I pull them back. No Zi. This- ugh as much as I love what we had I just can't. I say in a shaky voice as I can feel myself getting emotional. Hey, hey, hey look at me. He says but I ignore him and continue staring at the floor. Come on baby look at me. He says tilting my chin up to meet his gaze making my heart flutter.. damn I'm gonna miss that feeling. Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry for whatever it is I- I cut him off yet again. You didn't do anything wrong Caleb. I just- I can't keep doing this with you and then going home to my husband like everything is okay. I say as the tears start to fall. Baby. He says as his eyes start to water. Please ma. He says. I'm married Caleb! I say a little forcefully now getting upset with the situation. That didn't stop you before! I hear an angry tone behind us making me turn around to see one of Zion's roommates. Omg you told him! I say frantically to Zion. No baby listen to me. He says. NO !! Omg I can't believe this! This was supposed to be a secret Caleb! Not something you run off and tell your friends about. You don't know who they could've told. My husband can hear about this! I say crying harder. Should've thought about that before you decide to open your legs and cheat on your husband. The angry guy on the stairs say causing my heart to drop. NICK THATS ENOUGH! Zion yells at the boy on the stairs. I-I-I gotta go. Don't call me don't text me block me on any and everything. Jus-just stay away from me. I say pointing at the younger boy in front of me and running out the door to my car.

That was the day that everything went down hill. But let's jump back to the beginning. Hi my name is Melody Harvey-Jackson. I'm a 27 year old fashion designer. I live in Los Angeles, California with my husband of 4 1/2 years Jace Jackson. Jace and I were college sweethearts and from then have lived life happily together. That was until two years into our marriage when Jace started coming home late or not coming home at all. He stopped calling and texting or would just respond with "im busy" when I'd try to have a conversation. He turned into a party animal and a workaholic. Jace is the CEO of one of the biggest magazine companies in LA People Magazine. He puts his all into work you'd swear he loved his job more than his own wife. Besides the downsides of our marriage when we do see each other he showers me in designer clothes and shoes, take me on vacation, and show me off to the world. But even that sometimes can be a downside because I feel like it's all for the cameras. Other than my hard marriage I take a liking to fashion hence the reason why I own one of the biggest fashion companies in Western United States. I'm a fashion icon, fashion guru, whatever you want to call it. Just know I have a passion for fashion and it's to die for! But work can sometimes get lonely and being in a massive mansion by yourself 4 or 5 days out of the week can get lonely too. That's kind of how I got myself in this mess with Caleb or Zion. 🤦🏽‍♀️ bare with me this story's going to get a little bumpy!

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