Chapter 1

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5 hours later
I open my eyes to the sound of the speaker signaling me that the plane has landed. I carry my bags and walk out of the airplane.

I walk to the lobby of the airport and sit on one of the waiting chairs as I pull out my phone to call Anna.

"Hey! Honey, how is everything going?"

She practically screams into my ear over the phone.

"Fine", I reply with a smile even though she can't see me.

"l just landed a few minutes ago"

I tell her still smiling on the phone.

"You're at the airport now?"


"Be there in a few minutes".

I hear her laugh over the phone and I hang up.

l feel a hand covering my eyes and I struggle trying to remove the hand using my hands. I finally remove the hand and I turn back only for me to find Anna standing right behind me.            


I exclaim excitedly and give her a hug.

"How did you get here so fast?"

I ask her.
"Well I was sitting behind you about ten feet away from you"

She says pointing to the sit.

"Well all that matters is that you are here now"

I say and we begin to walk to her car.

"I missed you so much sweetie, finally you're here. I kept on telling Hero about you and he seems..."

"Who is Hero?"

I cut her off by asking.

"He is the one that's playing the role Hardin"

"Oh" is all I say as we enter her car.
She plays soft music and I close my eyes letting the music sink in.

She parks the car and we walk out. The hotel is a three star hotel and it's looks so beautiful. We walk into the reception in comfortable silence.

Not weird or awkward, just normal. We walk up to the receptionist and Anna asks her to give me a room. The receptionist smiles at me and hands me a key which says room 104.

"Thank you"

I tell her and Anna helps me with a box saying I may be tired already and I just let her. We walk into the elevator and Anna presses the button. It takes us to the second floor and we both step out.


I say with my mouth open when I see the beautiful paintings in the lobby.

"These paintings are really beautiful"

Anna says stopping in front of a room door. She takes the key from me.

"So this is your room"

She says opening the door.

"Thank you"

I reply her with a smile before enveloping her in a warm hug.

"You're welcome, honey"

She says smiling at me. The room is well furnished with a bed,a couch, refrigerator, a TV, wardrobe,shoe rack,air conditioner and a center rug and paintings on the wall beautifying the room more. She leads me to the toilet which is also well furnished.

"Feel at home dear, she says smiling at me"

"Yes and thank you so much, really, for everything"

"You're welcome honey and you really need to stop thanking me for everything you deserve it"

"Thank you, I say again"

"Stop thanking me"

"Fine" I reply hugging her.

"See you downstairs at five then"

"Okay, love you bye" I say shutting the door.

I jump into the bed and lay my head on the pillow. I pick my phone and text Kath.
Just landed few minutes ago, now in my room on my bed.
Ok, I really miss you honey, can't wait to hear about your co star
Oh, come on I haven't even met him.
Whatever 🙄
Really can't wait
Me too
Love you, greet mom and dad for me. Bye😘

I get up from my bed and I pull out all my clothes leaving only the underwears in my box folded neatly.

I begin to put the clothes on the hanger and into the wardrobe. I'm done putting the clothes into the wardrobe and I put my box into the wardrobe and close it. I arrange my shoes on the shoe rack and fall on my bed. I check the time and see that it's just 1:30 pm and I put my phone off so it won't disturb me while I'm sleeping and with that I close my eyes drifting off into sleep immediately.

Some hours later

I take a shower and wrap the towel around my body. I wear my underwears and I open my wardrobe and pull out a jumper and a jeans and I wear them. I pick my flats and I put it on. I pull my hair into a bun and I brush it making it look smooth I put on my mascara and eyeliner. I apply a little of my lipstick.

I apply my perfume and pick my phone. I turn it on putting it into my pocket and take one last look at my reflection in the mirror before walking out.

I get into the elevator and press the button. I begin to wonder what my co-star will be like. Well, can't wait to find out.

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