the journey (chapter 12)

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The others came closer and closer. I panicked. This can not be! please let this be a bad nightmare, please! But the nightmare was real and I couldn't do anything about it. Oh no! I looked around to see the big crowd of trolls slowly surrounding me like zombies that wanted brain but I this case what they wanted was something much worse! A hug. They all wanted to hug me at once which was a really bad situation to be standing in if you were me. The first one came and squished me, then the second one, the third one and so on. Until they all were squished close to each other in a very awkward group hug that's all I remember before everything went black.

I woke up. Looked around. I was laying in my bed. "Thank goodness it was a nightmare!" I said relieved but that's what I thought. The door opened and in came King Peppy. " Oh hey, Branch. You woke up." I looked blankly at him. " Hi...". What is he doing here? This is weird why should he even care for me? "Branch can I ask you something?". He looked serious. "Yes?" He looked at me. "You're a smart guy Branch. And I was thinking about if there was a possibility that you would want to follow Poppy to Bergentown? I know she already left and not that I don't trust my daughter but I just want her to be safe and I know that she's safe with you. So do you want to do it?"
What he said made sense but why did he choose me? He could have chosen any other troll like Creek or Aspen Heitz so why did he choose me? I'm just a lonely grumpy troll. I even killed my own grandma! And he wants ME to protect his daughter?! Well, I guess I know the most about safety but why?! "Uhh... Ok..." I answered. "Oh thank you, Branch! I always knew that I could count on you. " He said thankfully. " How long has it been since she left?" I asked. Peppy looked at his hugtimewatch. " Well... About two and a half hours ago...." "Two and a half hours? Well, I guess I'll have to pack my things quick then..." He nodded understandingly. "That's great I'll leave now so you can pack your things." and with that Peppy left the room. I really want to keep Poppy safe nevermind what it takes because I lov- no! Because Her father wanted me to. But why should I even care about people I'm not even like them they're all Happy and whimsy. Well... I kinda promised him to go so I guess I have to.

-----------------------Time skip---------------------

I stood on the elevator and everyone was looking at me with questioning looks on their faces. "Where are you going Branch?" "What is he doing?" "Is he coming back?" "Will he go to Bergentown with Poppy?" "Why are you leaving?" So many questions flew into my face and I didn't know what to say. I really thought of just getting out of here. Before I could get to answer all the questions but something told me to stay I just don't know why. Peppy went up to the elevator and put his hand on my shoulder. " My fellow trolls. Branch will go out and help Poppy on her journey. He will keep her safe all the way to Bergentown and back. I'll still be here though. I'll be here and keep You safe." "Yay!" They all cheered after hearing his speech. Peppy looked back at me. "Good luck Branch. Please be careful out there." "Thank you King Peppy. I will." He then pulled the lever and I looked confused at him. Then I realized that he just saved me from a terrifying zombie-group-hug. For the first time, I feel like someone actually understands me. I'm- I'm actually really grateful. "Uhh... thanks King Peppy" Peppy smiled. "No Problem son. For the next time Just call me Peppy." He informed. Son? Why did he call me son? "Yea... Sorry."
"Oh, no need to apologize it's completely fine." I looked up at the sky. "I should probably go now."
He nodded understanding. "That's fine. Bye Branch!" "Bye Peppy."

----------------------time skip----------------------

I was walking faster than ever. If I had to reach Poppy who probably has gone for a long time now I must hurry. After walking further into the forest I could hear singing from afar. She must not be too far away I thought.
My ears twitched. Did I hear screaming? Oh no, this is not good. I began running faster. The singing stopped. Wait, what? Now I was running even faster than before. She is making me so much worried right now.

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