Two weeks later...

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Well king Peppy or Peppy said for two weeks ago that I sould keep Poppy for three days and now it has been two weeks. what part of three days didn't he understand... well to look on the bright side........ uhhhmmm. Well I spend more time with Poppy the cute and sweet princess Poppy. Nothing else.

I heard that Peppy wanted everyone to come to the big mushroom beside the trolltree and well I'm coming to the mushroom what ever it is about because I don't have anything to do and maybe it does have something to do with the Bergens, and I am going to take Poppy with me. When we came to the big mushroom there was no one there just me , Poppy and Peppy on the mushroom. Then all of sudden there came a bunch of Trolls actually all from the trolltree to be exact. Then Peppy started to talk to all of us. " my fellow trolls I have a plan for next the years trollstice! We are going to escape this tree and find a new place to live our lives in freedom and harmony!" Everytroll cheered at the kings news unless me I wasn't sure that this plan was going to work but I trust Peppy he is our king so there Is a little hope. " everyone may I have your attention again please?" Everyone was quiet again and waited for Peppy to talk. " I have a plan and you should follow my instructions as I say them. Make copies of yourself and let them be in your pod, the copies can be made of tree and you can use some of your hair to give the copy of yourself some hair you should make them look exactly like you. That can take some time so that's why I called you here early on. If someone is done with a copy then come to me because i have to make a tunnel so that we can get out of this tree and away from the bergens." Then everyone got to work on their copies of themselves, but I was on my way to Peppy. " hi Branch are you coming to give me back Poppy?"he asked "Yes" I answered "Branch if you want you can keep her because I know you have a crush on her but if you don't want then it is ok, so what do you say? I froze did he just offer his daughter?! Something inside me wanted to say yes but I ended up with "uhhhmm... no, thank you Peppy but I think she will be a lot more safer with you." "Oh are you thinking about your grandma again I don't think that is going to happen with Poppy." " no thats not what I mean Peppy." "Ok then Branch but if you change your mind then just come to me." I didn't know what to say so I just ended up with "Ok." Then I got away from the mushroom. "See you soon Branch!" I just waved and got to my pod to make a copy I made the troll body out of tree and tried to use my hair but I can't colour it, it is too difficult. So I got out to ask a random troll to help me make some hair to my troll copy and they will of course help me. Then I got to the tunnel project and helped with that. It took the entire day to do everything we should do. After a long day of work Peppy said that we definitely should be working on it everyday until the tunnel is ready.

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