Thug Life

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That's right, I just said that, and I didn't choose the thing life, the thug life choose me. It is crazy how everything is going all I know is that a few months ago, I was still promoting my music with thousands of fans all over the world but now!? I am one of the most famous artist with millions of fans, MILLIONS! It all happened si fast after I released my single : Escondido, it went trending more than anyone expected, even my old fans didn't know that I will ever be able to be number one on billboard, but look at me now, I am a music goddess.

It's been long since I tried to get this famous, I guess I never believed that I will be number one but I wanted to reach something, I wanted to have a hit song, to have a reason to still sing but now the whole world begs me for new music and I aim to please, therefor I'm releasing my first album soon and I will start a world tour that's going to blow everyone's and I know that many will come, because the whole world now Stan me.

I went start back to my new apartment after I finished my interview with Ellen. I opened the door and daisy, my dog, jumped right into my arms, God I love my good girl! I went inside to search for stephie, my fiancé we have been engan for over 3 years and we were planning to get married soon but after fame hitted me I think it will better to wait a little more, and there she is my princess was sleeping with Minnie, my first dog, sleeping beside her.

I took a shower, changed my cloth and when I stepped out of the shower stephie was gone, I putted a sweatpants and a t-shirt and headed to the kitchen. Stephie was eattting spaghetti when I walked in, I walked toward her and kissed her forehead. "I missed you today on breakfast" she said with her dreamy eyes shinning with love.
"I missed you too, my morning was dull without you" actually all of my mornings and evenings had been dull without her, I barely have the time to hang out with her recently, I'm always busy and I know that that is bugging her but she doesn't say a thing in order to not upset me.

"I'm sorry" I said
"for not being with you most of the time" I explain after she gave me a questioning look

"it's ok, minnes and daisy have been keeping me company, plus my mom is coming tommorrow, I will be spending some time with her and then you'll be able to do more interviews freely without rushing to get back to me"

"I thought we'd spent some time together tommorrow but since your mom is coming then I will try to finish more of my works tomorrow" I love how she understands me, I mean any other girl would just leave when she doesn't get the attention she deserves but stephie isn't like any other girl, she is my girl, the best in the world. I love her.

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