Chapter 2: Runion

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*2 years later*
       I'm now 17. I always watch the sunrise thinking about Dally. He still calls and writes. I still wear the ring and I always think about him.
       My dad started drinking pretty heavy after my mom left us. I hated her for leaving me alone. One particular night I came home and he instantly started screaming at me,"where the fuck have you been?"
        "I told you, I went to the diner with Cassie," I said.
       "You're never home and always asking for money! You little ungrateful bitch! I should've got rid of you!" He yelled and swung his open hand connecting with my cheek.
        "You hit me," I said holding my now stinging cheek.
        "I-I didn't mean to," he stuttered out.
       I ran down the hall to my room and packed up my clothes,"I'm outta here," I said walking back down the hall.
      "Ry, please, wait!" My dad pleaded.
       "Get the fuck away from me. You don't want me, that's fine, I'll go," I said and walked out the door.
       I was going to the one person I knew would never hurt me or let anyone else hurt me. I got to a payphone and called the number Dally gave me if I ever needed him.
Uknown male: hello?
R: is Dally there? It's Ryan.
UM: hang on.     *background voice: Dally, phone. It's Ryan!*
D: hey Baby girl
R: dad hit me
D: he what?
R:dad hit me. Can I come to you?
D: always baby. You got the money?
R: yeah. I'll see you in a couple days.
D: go to the Dingo when you get here. I'll go everyday till you get here
R: okay, thanks Dal!
D:of course babe. See you soon.
           *end of call*
       I hung up the phone and started to the bus station. I bought a one way ticket to Tulsa, Oklahoma.
        It took a couple days to get there from New York, but I made it. When I got to Tulsa I asked for directions to the Dingo. I first noticed the cliques quickly when I walked in. The second thing to catch my attention was Dally in a back booth.
         "Dal!" I said. He looked up at me and stood out of the booth. I ran over to him and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist. He spun us around once before setting me down on the floor.
        We sat down in the booth and caught up when a waitress brought over a strawberry shake with 2 straws,"you remembered?" I smiled.
        "Of course I remembered," he smiled back.
        "I've missed you like crazy, Dally," I say.
      "I've missed you too, baby girl. How about we finish this then go back to my place?" He smiled.
         "Yeah, sounds great," I smiled as we finish the shake then leave.
          When we got to Dally's I realized it was a bar looking place. Dally grabbed my hand and led me upstairs,"showers across the hall. Come in here when you're finished and I'll take you over to meet the gang," he smiled.
       "Okay," I smiled.
          I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and body. When I got out I slide on a black bra and panties, ripped light wash jeans tying my white bandana around my right leg right under the knee, a black tank top, and left my hair to do it's own thing. I put on clean sock and pulled my boots on, then I walked across the hall back to Dally's room.
        He was laying on his bed,"You're gonna get cold without a shirt," he said.
      "I left without my flannel," I huffed.
      "Here," Dally said handing me his black shirt straight from his body.
      "You're gonna get cold without a shirt," I smiled.
      "Still a smartass," he laughed grabbing a shirt from his dresser and put it on,"need a coat?" He asked.
          "Yeah," I smiled. He handed me a brown leather coat and then grabbed another one and we left.
        Dally and I were walking to meet the gang when out of nowhere Dally stopped,"what's wrong, Dal?" I asked.
       "You wanna ride?" He smirked.
     "Ride what?" I asked my face getting warm.
       Dally walked up behind me and whispered in my ear,"a piggy back ride like old times. What else?" He asked rubbing his hand up and down my arm.
      "Dallas Winston, don't do that," I said getting a shiver through my body.
     He smirked and stepped in front of me waiting for me to jump up. I smiled and jumped on his back hooking my legs around his waist. He held me up just under my butt and that's how we walked the rest of the way to meet the gang.
        We were laughing when Dally stopped in front of a small white house, he set me down and put his arm around my shoulders,"don't be scared baby, they won't even think about hurting you. You're mine."
      "I ain't scared as long as I'm with you," I smiled leaning into his side.
      We walked up to the door and Dally just walked in with me really close behind him,"Dally!" Someone greeted him.
      "Who's the chick?" Someone else asked.
     "Guys, this is Ryan, the girl from New York I was telling you about," Dally smiled.
     "Hi, I'm Ponyboy," a younger boy with brown greased hair waved.
     "Im two-bit," a dark blonde almost brown haired boy smiled.
      "Steve," a tall dark haired boy said.
     "Sodapop, but you can call me Soda,"a tall light haired boy waved with a smile.
       "That's Johnny over there," Dally pointed to a dark haired, dark skinned, jumpy looking boy, Johnny waved.
         "I'm Darry, nice to meet you. Maybe you can keep him outta trouble," a tall, muscular, dark haired, good looking man smiled.
      "She's the reason I get into it half the time," Dally laughed, then we all did.
      "What's the move tonight?" Ponyboy asked.
        "Was thinking the drive-in, take Ryan over here to the movies later. You and Johnnycake wanna join?" Dally said.
      "Sure," Johnny said.
      "Can I, Darry?" Pobyboy asked.
      "Go ahead," Darry smiled.
           We walked out the door. Dally carried me on his back for a little bit, then they chased 3-4 young kids from a empty lot behind a building, then we snuck into the movies. The 4 of us sat down in the stands, being Dally, me, Ponyboy, then Johnny. Dally put his arm on the back of my chair and lit me a cigarette when 2 Soc, as they call the rich kids here, girls sat in front of us.
         Dally started teasing the red head saying some pretty dirty things. I started to get annoyed hearing the way he was talking and stood up "let me through,Dallas."
         "Where you going, baby girl?"
          "Away from you."
       "Why? What's wrong?"
        "Just let me through, Dallas," I said putting emphasis on Dallas.
       Dally flinched and sat back so I could walk in front of him,"where are you going?" He asked again standing up and grabbing my arm.
       "Back to Buck's. I'm tired," I lied and pulled my arm free of his hand.
       I left the drive-in and walked back to Buck's. When I got there, there was a party going on, but I just ignored the cat calls and walked up to Dally's room. I slipped off my boots and jeans leaving me just in Dally's shirt, then dug out my favorite book and crawled on the bed. I hadn't been reading long when I decided to call my dad. I grabbed the phone and dialed the number.
R:hey dad, its me
D:where are you? Are you safe? I'm so sorry, Ryan.
R:its fine. I'm with Dally. I'm gonna stay here.
D:I know you're safe then, that boy loves you more then he lets on. Anyone can see it.
R:I'll call again soon. Take care of yourself, pop. I love you
D:I love you
R:bye dad
D:bye, Ry
              *end of call*
          I'd just got back to my book when Dally walked through the door. He had a black eye, a bruised cheek, and a small cut on his face.
          "Now what trouble you cause?" I asked shaking my head.
           "Got into a fight with Tim Shepherd, he saw me slash his tires," he shrugged.
           "When did you do that?" I asked.
          "Yesterday," he smiled.
        "Sit down," I sighed grabbing peroxide and a cloth from the bathroom. I walked back in and closed the door. Dally had taken his boots, socks, and shirt off in the small amount of time I was gone,"you really should calm down the looking for trouble business, Dally," I said as I cleaned up the cut on his cheek.
          "Why do you care so much anyway?" He asked with a bit of an attitude.
          "Because I've always cared more then you ever knew, Dallas Winston! You were my rock and the last 2 years haven't been easy without you. Until you left I didn't understand what the feeling of losing the one you love actually felt like. I sat next to that phone for hours waiting to hear your voice, I got the mail every single day to wait for your letters. Just hearing you call me baby girl or reading it was enough to know I loved you from the get go!" I snapped.
       "Oh," was all Dally said.
       I sighed,"I'm sorry, Dal. You're all cleaned up now," I backed up from Dally, just now realizing how close we'd been. How I'd been standing between his legs to clean him up. How I just remembered I had no pants on, just Dally's black t-shirt.
         Dally pulled me back to him by the hem of his shirt. I let my feet take me back over to him. He stood up, he towered over me, I was so short. I looked up into his eyes and he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed back. We stayed like that. I felt Dally's hand start to creep up my thigh, I shivered from his touch, and he smirked into the kiss. Dally just started to slide his hand under my shirt when Buck opened the door.
         Dally broke the kiss to glare at Buck as I hid my face into Dally's chest,"what?" Dally asked annoyed.
           "Sorry to interrupt, but you got a couple boys here by the name of Johnny and Ponyboy who wanna talk to you," Buck said.
          "Okay, I'll be down in a second," Dally said. Buck walked out,"I'll be back in a second. In the mean time,get under the covers, you're shaking," Dally smiled.
            "I ain't cold," I said.
        "I know you're not, but I don't want those 2 seeing you like that," Dally said. He kissed me again and walked out of the room.

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