[Two] A New Multiverse & A Confusing Encounter

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~~Even If I Fall In Love Again With Someone New, It Could Never Be The Way I Loved You. . .

"Th1s is P01NTL3SS. A11 of th1s. W3 w0n't f1nd h1m. D0N'T G1V3 M3 H0PE."
Awe, Glitchy, don't talk like that, you know why we're making you find him.
"OH! I KN0W 4LL T0O W31L WHŸ Y0U'R3 D01NG TH1S."
Then why are we making you do this?
The Voices went silent, utterly astonished at the backlash they received out of the mentally scarred skeleton.

Error raced through the new multiverse, which he had gotten into by means unknown. Fueled by crazed illusions and a flicker of hope to find Ink. Ink please. Can you hear my pleads? I can't live on like this. . . Please. . . . .

Before he knew it, a group of monsters were brought to their knees after opposing Error. He began to utterly tear apart the AU which turned out to be this Multiverse's UnderSwap. Finally, he stopped, leaving it in smithereens. Then he went onto the next and the process repeated. . .

‏Looming over what was once an AU so full of life, the strange skeleton clutched his brown scarf. Only one being in this whole Multiverse was capable of this pure havoc: Error. The new skeleton did a brief survey at all the AUs from a place hidden outside of time and space. What they came across wasn't too surprising, an AU being torn apart bit by bit. This was strange, Error usually wasted no time to demolish the AU before he came along, but this way was much more slow and sadistic. It seems pointless of me, as the author, to hide this character's identity from you, the reader, after dropping so very many hints. This is the Ink of the New Multiverse.

Error was almost dancing through this AU with practiced precision. He made sure to rip open a mere crack in the ground and splits in between shingles on roofs. It was almost fun, how he did it. Without being stopped by Ink, so he was able to experiment all his fragile soul desired. But let's not forget why our beloved Error was here, to find Ink. After what seemed like only a few seconds, Error was met with this livid guardian of this Multiverse. "Error." They spoke up in a loud, projecting voice that could be very clearly heard, "Why did you dare break the truce?" Error had to force himself not to laugh. The prospect that this was funny to him confused the Creator. "Oh, I n3v3r agr33d t0 a trūc3." He only had to try even harder not to laugh as he saw the puzzled look on the Creator's face. They stood around the same height as Error, which he himself wasn't all that used to. Instead of a splotch of ink, it was molded into more of a vivid pattern, that stretched all across his cheek in a neat, swooping formation. This Ink wore his jacket on, rather than around his waist like Error was so accustomed to. "What do you mean?" The confidence in his voice wavered, before flickered back on again, "Hah! I will not let you trick me with your mind games, Error. I thought we were friends." It hurt. It hurt a lot. Error knew this wasn't his Ink, but still. To be friend-zoned by him? It hurt like getting trampled by a stampede of elephants. "Oh, and Error, you don't look to good. A little frail. You were fine a couple of days ago?" He asked, confused about the topic. "Oh, INK, y0u w0nd3r whÿ I l00k d1ff3r3nt? Th4ts bec4use 1'm n0t y0ur 3rr0r." Error hissed Ink's name out, as if it were bile. This took the Creator aback, "What do you mean 'you're not my error'? Is this another one of your tricks?" Laughing, Error shook his head, "I c4n c0nf1rm I aM n0t y0ur 3rr0r." The bewildered creator was quick to testify that theory. "Stay here." They disappeared into a puddle of ink.

It didn't take long for them to come back, in a state of shock. Like they had just figured out their whole life was a big, fat lie. "Oh, 1nk, wh4ts w1th th3 sh0ck3d f4ce? I th0ughT Y0U of a11 p30pl3 kn3w ab0ut th3 mult1verses." Error chuckled, his deep, husky yet distorted voice echoed through the ruins of this AU.

"You're not my Error."

// Ah, much more of my normal length of chapters, though not as long as I could make them. I'll try better next time. MyS1XdimensionDRE4MS signing off.

It Was All a Dream. (Errink Deathfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora