Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Pool Shenanigans

It was a beautiful day in Kuoh Academy. Summer had just begun, and this was the time for fun in the sun, a period of relaxation for students and adults alike.

That is the case of Rebas's friends, family, and guests. Having cleaned the school pool, the students decided to use it for themselves, embracing the rest from their daily lives of training and constantly working.

Add, the nervous boy he was, was dying, having to spend time with the mascot of Kuoh Academy. Apparently, she didn't know how to swim, and kindly (stoically) asked (forced) Add to help her. Naturally, the thought of even touching the white haired girl nearly put Add in a coma, but the younger Grenore remained strong. His idol told him to, after all.

"T-That's it...D-Don't stop kicking your feet..."

Add, who was waist deep in water, gingerly held Koneko by her hands, moving backwards as she kicked her feet, learning to swim. For a shy boy like him, the skin contact itself was enough to make him faint, but Koneko was counting on him to keep her safe while she learned to swim, so bailing on her now was a huge no-no.

So, the Grenore bravely pulled the white cat along, being gentle.

"Sorry for making you help me, Senpai..." Koneko apologized, her usually stoic eyes nervous.

"D-Don't talk when you swim...Y-You might inhale water..." Add warned, even though he would probably drown if Koneko looked at him with that shy look again.

If it wasn't obvious before, Add has a massive crush on the Devil.

Slowly backing up, Add let his mind wander, wondering what Yuzuru would do in this situation.

" a man. don't just be a coward your whole life." an imaginary Yuzuru told Add. Had this been the real Rebas himself, he would most likely say that helping a cute girl swim is something nobody should turn away from. Unless you're Issei. Then stay far away and go die in a hole.

"(I won't disappoint you, Yuu-san!)" Add promised internally, but his thoughts distracted him, as he wasn't aware of how close to the pool's edge he was. Not surprisingly, Add slammed his back to the edge, scaring him. The Grenore jumped, but this of course scared Koneko, who was out of her element. By pure reflex, Koneko wrapped her arms around Add, scared of possibly drowning.

"AWAWAWAWAWAAAAAGH?!?!?!?!?!" Add garbled, exploding in red and spouting nonsense. Koneko didn't pay attention, a bit of red dusting her cheeks.

"You're really gentle, Add-Senpai...But you don't have to be so nervous..." Koneko murmured, despite being nervous herself.

"T-T-That's impossible! I-I-I can't just c-c-calm down! N-N-Not when Koneko-san i-i-is clinging to m-m-me...." Add sputtered, whispering the last part. Unfortunately, Devil hearing was way better than human hearing, so Koneko heard all of it. In response, the little Devil blushed, muttering, "Idiot..."

"Koneko-chan seems to be enjoying herself!" Asia noted, hanging on to the edge of the pool. Thanks to Yuzuru's quiet, yet efficient teaching (he did not throw her in the pool like Lilith did to him), Asia could swim pretty well. She could go in the deep ends without worry of drowning, unlike Koneko. The ex-nun smiled, seeing her best friend, besides Chelsea, blushing. To Asia, it looked like Koneko was enjoying herself, being with Add.

Such is the life of the happy little sister of the True Heir.

The Nasod Queen and User of Durandal were nowhere to be seen, despite it being half an hour since the pool was filled. Perhaps they will make an appearance later....

So what was the stoic Yuzuru and the adorable, currently bashful Chelsea doing? Well...

"Yuu-kuuuuuun~! You're supposed to swim, not stand in the pool~!"

"...this pool is too shallow..."


Well, they were up to their usual antics. Currently, Chelsea was kicking her legs steadily, floating. However, her boyfriend, on the other hand, was simply standing up on his own two feet, his head easily above the water.

By the way, the two were spending time in the midway points, being deep for children, but shallow for adults. Obviously, Chelsea was frustrated, reminded of her short stature, and Yuzuru did not care.

"...don't get too angry. it's making you kick your legs harder, and you'll get a-"



Yuzuru sighed, flinching. Sharing sensations and wounds with Chelsea made it so that he would get a leg cramp if she did. Since he could stand normally, however, he was fine. Chelsea wouldn't be with her limited height. Thinking fast, Yuzuru pulled Chelsea close to his body, keeping her in one place with a hug. Once again, Chelsea's face erupted in red, feeling her bare skin come in contact with Yuzuru's. Chelsea had gotten past the point of self-deprecation, and was reduced to being easily flustered and embarrassed. She was especially set off if Yuzuru called her beautiful.

" a little more careful. and relax. we came here to have fun." Yuzuru murmured, despite the fact that cleaning the pool was a punishment from Sona.

"I know..." Chelsea murmured, puffing her cheeks out in embarrassment and frustration. The petite girl wrapped her arms around Yuzuru's neck, succeeding in getting closer, but also pushing her modest (small) chest against Yuzuru's. Embarrassed as she was, Chelsea couldn't help but wonder what Yuzuru was thinking, and if he was reacting to her resting her body against his. Normally, she could tell how he was feeling with their shared link, but she couldn't sense anything from him right now. Chelsea pursed her lips. The least Yuzuru could do was show a little embarrassment to cheer her up. Hell, even arousal would do, but that's just not in Yuzuru's nature to react in such a way, and Chelsea appreciated that fact.

Well, Yuzuru was anything but calm on the inside.

"(OH CRAP OH CRAP THERE'S AN ADORABLE AND BEAUTIFUL GIRL CLINGING TO MEEEE!!!)" Yuzuru thought to himself, inwardly screaming in panic and flailing about. However, none of those thoughts conveyed to his expression, remaining stoic and unresponsive, despite Chelsea's pouts and the tingling sensation from the slow trailing of her finger on his pale neck. The self control Yuzuru possesses is admirable.

"Try not to lose it, Yuzuru."

Yuzuru blinked, as did Chelsea. The two were confused, as the familiar voice sounded different than how they usually heard it. Normally, they would hear it in their heads, surrounding them. This time, they could hear it from a certain point. Of course, this familiar voice belonged to...


Indeed, the former queen of the Devil race herself had appeared. However, rather than the beautiful white dress with a blue mantel and armored grieves, Yuzuru's mother was wearing a two-piece swimsuit, colored pale blue with white accents. Similar to Chelsea's swimsuit, the top piece was tied in the front, making it alluring for the Demon Queen (probably for Ciel) and the bottom piece was tied at either side of her shapely hips. Aside from the fact that his mother was currently swimming with them, what shocked Yuzuru was the fact that she was outside of his mindscape, similar to when he was attacked by the masked figure that nearly killed him. Lu had somehow managed to make herself visible to Yuzuru and Chelsea.

"Whoa! How did you get here? And where did the swimsuit come from?!" Chelsea exclaimed, squirming in Yuzuru's hug. This did nothing to calm the mess that were Yuzuru's thoughts, so he simply froze and didn't let her go. On a side note, since Lu's chest size was, admittedly, around the same as Chelsea's (small), seeing Lu smile without a care made Chelsea feel a little bit better about her swimsuit again.

"Why, I'm flaunting my beauty, so you won't pity yourself any longer!" Lu smirked haughtily. It sounded like she was trying to comfort Chelsea over her body image, while also bragging about herself. Yuzuru forgot that his mom was like this sometimes when she wasn't training them...

"Lu got jealous that she had to watch you all have fun swimming, so in a jealous rage, she finally figured out how to put us out of your shared mindscape. Though, only you two can see us." Ciel explained, suddenly appearing in black swim trunks next to Yuzuru. Yuzuru nodded in understanding. It sounded like his mother to get mad at something like that. No matter how old his mother actually was, her childish appearance completely matched her personality.

"Hmph! I'll have you know that my skill and beauty are really what allowed me to see you both again! In fact, if you saw my original body, I bet Ciel would fall in love with me all over again!" Lu tried to re-assume her haughty position, but that quickly went downhill.

"Really...? I can't imagine anything other than the current you..."


Lu started seething at the responses of Chelsea and Ciel, but the next comment drove her over the edge.

"...i prefer the form you're in now...isn't it the one you gave birth to me with?"

Yuzuru tilted his head innocently, but that one comment caused Lu's heart to throb, as she quickly clutched it. Indeed, Lu had given birth to Yuzuru in the form she was in now, not her original form. As such, Yuzuru found this form more natural than any other possible form, and that quickly pierced through the haughty disposition Lu was trying to give off. Ciel smiled, nodding furiously in agreement as he hugged his wife, blood trailing down his nose from his wife's cuteness.

"DROWN!!!" Lu shrieked, grabbing the back of her husband's head and shoving it in the pool water. The Demonic Duo only watched with blank expressions, seeing Ciel thrash around with Lu angrily screaming at him with a flushed red face. Even if Ciel can't drown, since he's already dead.

As the two stared at Yuzuru's parents, Chelsea giggled, forgetting her earlier shame and regaining her usual, cheerful self. And their son simply smiled, happy to see his parents outside of his dreams. Lu smiled softly, happy that her child was happy. And Ciel kept flailing around, not once being able to escape Lu's grip on the back of his head.

Lu and Ciel explained that through the use of Yuzuru and Chelsea's magic reserves, they could manifest themselves before Chelsea and Yuzuru alone. While it would drain any other person, the usage was so slow that the magic energy used was replenished easily. It was rather useless, given that it only lets Yuzuru and Chelsea see his parents without them being able to interact with anything physical. Even now, the pool water didn't ripple with the two demons resting inside them,. It was completely still. At the very least, they could help with their physical training with Lilith.

And so, the four demons continued their fun, splashing about with Lu chasing Ciel around as Yuzuru and Chelsea swam after them, laughing or humming gently.

Another half an hour had passed, as everyone was now out of the pool. Add, exhausted, rested on a pool chair, his eyes closed as he was under an umbrella. It's no wonder why he was so pale. He never got any sun, and whenever he was outside, he would remain in the shade.

Koneko, having gotten a little better at swimming, quietly sat next to Add in the pool chair to his left, though the Grenore didn't react this time. He was much too tired to be embarrassed.

Eve and Xenovia, once again, were nowhere to be seen. It's almost like they actually left while everyone was having fun...

Asia? The young sibling of Yuzuru simply smiled, happy to have spent time with her friends and adopted family. She giggled, observing the scene before her.

"Mmm...Yuu-kun...proposing is way too sudden..."

"...cake...Chelsea...must pet kitty...all meat must die..."

"The differences in their dreams are so shocking that I wonder why they're even dating."

"The same could be said of us, Lu."

Chelsea was asleep, as was Yuzuru. Similar to Add and Koneko, they were sleeping on a pool chair, though they were using the same one. Yuzuru slept peacefully, muttering something every once in a while. A towel was draped across his neck, as water trailed down his pale skin and snow-white hair. Chelsea was draped on top of him, her face buried in his chest with her white hair flowing around the both of them, a pseudo blanket for the two. Keep in mind, the two were still in their swimsuits, so if Eve was present, she would probably erupt in steam ad think she was interrupting something.

But this is just how the two had learned to sleep together, so they couldn't really break this habit.

Lu sighed, exasperated that her son was sleeping vulnerably with a girl laid on top of him, both of them still wet from the pool. Although she was used to the two sleeping in bed together, it was a shame that Yuzuru was growing up too quickly for her. Remember, Lu never got the chance to be a part of her son's life until he forged a contract with Chelsea. Up until then, she was forced to watch as Yuzuru grew up without her. Thankfully, Yuzuru was perfectly fine having his mother now than never, so she smiled, seeing her son with someone.

And Ciel...

He was taking a photo of his son and, as he calls her, "future daughter." Yeah, Ciel was that type of father. Like Lu, he was unable to be a parental figure for Yuzuru all of his life, so he tried to make up for it by supporting Yuzuru with his every decision. Unfortunately, the love of anything cute Yuzuru had inherited from Ciel trumped his desire to support his son, so he instead took photos which would most likely embarrass his son at a later date.

"Nom~!" In her sleep, Chelsea had inched up Yuzuru's body, eventually resting her chin on Yuzuru's forehead. Even with her bikini clad body inching up his stomach, he had not reacted in the slightest, remaining asleep. Although observant, cautious, and paranoid, Yuzuru was a deep sleeper when he feels safe. Since being next to Chelsea makes him feel safe, he wouldn't be able to easily wake. So when Chelsea softly nibbled on the wet bangs that covered his left eye, he didn't react, though he seemingly twitched.

Still asleep, Yuzuru lifted his arm, rubbing Chelsea's smooth and slender legs. He was most likely trying to rub her back like he usually did at night, but because she had changed positions, he rubbed her legs instead. The petite girl shivered at his touch, continuing to nibble on his hair with a blissful expression on her sleepy face.

Naturally, Ciel quickly took a photo, prepared to treasure the sight of his son having his hair chewed by his girlfriend while he rubbed her leg forever. Lu smacked her palm against her head, already feeling a migraine coming. Her son just had to have a girlfriend who was clingy in her sleep...

Asia giggled, wondering if she should wake them up. It would be funny, seeing Chelsea all flustered and embarrassed like she always was when they got caught flirting inn the morning. She found her reactions funny, how she would whine about it for hours while clinging to Yuzuru.

Koneko stared at the couple, before glancing at Add. Add didn't notice, feeling himself fall asleep. Koneko turned her head away, red dusting her cheeks. It was almost like she wanted something from the Grenore, but wasn't able to say.

Unfortunately for the Demonic Duo, they would not be asleep for much longer.

"A-A-A-Am I interrupting?!"

The Nasod Queen has finally decided to make an appearance.

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