I stood up, seeing Ollie's eyes widened in awe. As if to test me, he silently started to count the days of the week, tapping on each finger until he got to the number seven. Upon realizing that, he gasped.

Seeing him slowly grasp the information made me smile. I couldn't stop right there. That book was highlighted with key terms he needed to know. If I could just figure a way to make this interesting for him, he'd learn it a lot easier.

"Each of these heroes took down vigilantes who would bring chaos around America. That's where it all started at," I told him as I placed my hand over my chest. "And that's where your big sister is from too. America. Do you know where in America I'm from?"

"Rhode Island?" Ollie guessed.

"Yes! And that's where these heroes started out at too. And do you remember what one of those Quirks was?" I asked.

Ollie shook his head. I thought he'd be able to guess the one because his favorite hero shared the same Quirk as one of the original seven. Annoyed, I crossed my arms and tilted my head at him, trying to think of a way to get this out of him.

Then it hit me.

I placed one hand on my hip and looked Ollie in the eye as I tried to mock this hero's signature pose. Ollie tilted his head for a moment, wondering what it was that I was doing, but my free hand swiftly flung out in front of me, just like this hero would do before using his Quirk. My brother gasped once again. In the corner of my eye, I saw him leap out of his chair and mock the same signature pose, only this time, he decided to say his catchphrase.

"Let's wrap things up!" Ollie cheered. "Wait, are you saying that Mr. Elastic and one of the first heroes shared the same Quirk?"

My arms relaxed to my side as I took in a deep breath. "That's exactly what I'm saying. See, I told you that you'd understand this." I told him as I started to shift back into my regular body. Once I was done, I looked down at my watch and started to set a timer for ten minutes. The last thing I wanted to do was to accidentally use my Quirk again and pass out. It was one of the setbacks to my Quirk, but it wasn't a bad one. For all I know, I could've gotten really bad allergies like Sakura or have my Quirk max out at some point.

To have a set time limit to just cool down was fine by me.

Once I was done setting my timer, arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a hug. I looked down, seeing Ollie right in front of me as he buried his head into my stomach. He really didn't have that much confidence in himself when it came to his studies, but at least I could do something to help him.

I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. "See, you've got this. Just read your history book and imagine it's me saying those things, acting it out."

Ollie let go of me and nodded his head. "I will!"

He didn't say a word as he slid back into his chair and started reading his text book once again. Only this time, he seemed more interested in it. I could understand why it was so hard for him to grasp part of our earliest history. Despite heroes being a major part of our history and today's society, how they actually started out was a blur. Most of which were myths and legends, but it was still an important part of our history that we needed to learn.

Maybe one day, historians would figure out what really happened when the first hero appeared. If we were lucky enough, maybe we'd be able to one day figure that out, but as of right now, it was all a mystery. I just hope the rest of history wouldn't be erased like that.

Seeing that he was finally getting a grasp on his studies, I walked over to my exercise ball and looked down at my math homework I was working on before he complained how hard his homework. If he thought that was hard, he had no idea how hard math was the moment you added variables, graphs, and pi all into the mix. I know putting the alphabet into the equation was hard, but figuring out that pie wasn't just food anymore, it wasn't good.

I'm No Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें