The beginning

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You are (y/n) (l/n) (standing for first name and last name). You were a troubled child and one fateful day, your mom brought you to a place where she'd thought you'd be able to fit in but oh how wrong she was. You were bullied by kids, pelted by rocks, and the counselors did nothing about it. One day a group of kids thought it'd be funny to drive you to the docks and push you into the water, thing is, you didn't know how to swim since your mom had homeschooled you your entire life and you rarely went out. You didn't learn to swim because of it and they just laughed as you flailed around in the lake desperately trying to survive, praying to god that you survived as you sank deeper and deeper until.

        All turned black. Your heart came to a slow as your blood started to run cold and your body just kept sinking ad they kept laughing... And laughing... And laughing... Unluckily enough your mother had heard of this and she got really mad. Mad to the point of... Murder... They had made a... Grave mistake... She started to kill the counselors and the bullies until someone finnaly stopped her killing spree. She died as well but the both of you weren't finished with this world.
       They had now cursed this place. With you. You kept coming back and slaughtering all who dared enter your home, all who dared venture into the cursed camp Chrystal lake. The same day every single year. That fateful day was...


Meanwhile at the creepypasta mansion...

Slenderwoman (aka slenda) was in her office, then suddenly Jess the killer walked in (originally Jeff but now hes female) and she had a small strange story to tell. She started off at saying "hey slenda..." Slenda looked up from her papers which were papers she was drawing to hang up on trees "what is it Jess? It must be important if you came to me in my work hours" Jess froze for a second before chuckling a bit and saying nervously "well there was this... Guy... He was running through the forest coming from that old lake out back, he was terrified out of his wits. He ran into me and he backed up a bit. I couldn't understand what most he said but I got the jist of it, bassicly he said that there's a killer at the old lake. He called him unstoppable, heh he's probably just some nobody tryna scare his friends. But the guy also had a wound on him from what seemed to be a (f/w) (favorite weapon)" This peaked slenda's interest as she said "well Jess... There is a legend around here...  Some people say a boy died in that old camp by the lake... But he keeps coming back every year. Some people call him the slasher, some call him the most dangerous person to exist. But I've been around longer and i know his name, his name, is (y/n) (l/n)"

    Jess then said something that slenda didn't expect "well maybe I can grab the other gals and we can go try to recruit him!" Slenda then paused for a moment as she said "get all of them together, we're going to need as many people as possible" this made Jess a little anxious yet excited as she wanted to kill that ever so famed killer, she knew nothing of his powers or experience she just wanted to rush him blind.
      She nodded in excitement as she ran off to get the other gals (that includes eyeless Jackie (fem eyeless jack), ticci Tami (fem ticci Toby), judge angel, Jess, benny drowned (fem Ben drowned), jane the killer, and sonia.exe (fem sonic.exe)

All the creepypasta gals stood at the front door ad slenda came into view as she greeted them all "hello gals, I'm sure your wondering why i brought you all here tonight... A killer is in a nearby location just off of the woods and Jess had the idea to go recruit him..." Some murmers of conversation and agreement were passed through the group as slenda then spoke "now you all can go whenever you like..." Immediately everyone turned and burst through the door as they excitedly ran but then turned around as they ran back and Sonia asked "hehe where exactly do we go?"

     Slenda rolled her non existent eyes as she chuckled and said "you know the old lake? Thats where they are" sonia nodded as she told all the others to follow her and they all ran away. Slenda stayed behind, she had never thought she'd have to see this sight, she never wanted them to know about HIM. The reason she didn't tell them is because... She was scared... She feared for them and wanted to protect them from... Whatever he was... She knew he wasn't human... Not anymore at least... She sighed as she then teleported through the woods to catch up with them

End of chapter

a/n: heyyyy glad you could be here to read my story! Ive never done one of these before so I hope i did it justice for what it's worth!

Fem! creepypasta x Jason Voorhees readerWhere stories live. Discover now