Chapter 3:groupchat

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Thebiwholived has made a groupchat with, booknerd, the king, thebestpotter, Cho.chang, and redhead

Thebiwholived: can y'all add more people please!!:)

Booknerd added, thebetterparkinson, and gaycomalfoy

Theking has added, cutehufflepuff, deannn, irishboi, greenthumb, and lovegood

Cutehufflepuff has added, diggory and smitty

Diggory has added, NottTheo, PANsyparkinson, and 420blaizeit

PANsyparkinson: andddd why was I added to this?

Thebetterparkinson: pans!! Don't be rude!

PANsyparkinson: chill, I'm just asking.

Thebiwholived: I just wanted everyone to get to know eachother so we can all have a good last year! Wellll get to know eachother besides what we did during truth or dare, and would you rather aha

PANsyparkinson: welpppp okay then

Gaycomalfoy: potter why was I of all people added? I don't want to know anything you're saying more then I have to🙄

Thebiwholived: shut up malfoy

Thebetterparkinson: ummm cough who else senses the sexual tension?

Thebestpotter: oMg I DO😂😂😂👏 we're defo gOnNa he friends

Thebiwholived: sexual tension? TF

Gaycomalfoy: that's disgusting

Theking: ewwww

Redhead: kindaaaa feeeel itttt

Thebiwholived: you're supposed to be on my side!!

Redhead:Oop nAh I'm good

NottTheo: I have an idea... we should all randomly pick someone to dm that we don't know that well and we have to get to know eachother for the next week and hang out atleast once! And that's the only person you can talk to, except teachers or if it's 100% necessary.

Gaycomalfoy: idk who you are but I'm down!

Cho.chang: ill pass

Thebiwholived: okay then!! I'll make a spinner of all of our names and put everyone together!

Thebiwholived: okay so first it's,
Theo and Ron
Hermione and pansy
Blaise and Neville
Luna and Ginny
Lillian and Parker
Zack and Henry
Seamus and dean
And ummm sadly me and malfoy

Gaycomalfoy: I love that you put us together potter;)

Thebiwholived: shut up malfoy!

Gaycomalfoy: mhmmmm

Thebiwholived: welpppp ig everyone can start private messaging now...

Gaycomalfoy wants to send a private message to thebiwholived

Gaycomalfoy: hey potter, I guess I'm stuck with you for a week

Thebiwholived: I guess you are.

Gaycomalfoy: soooo ummm what do you wanna talk about?

Thebiwholived: ummmm idrk

Gaycomalfoy: great conversation we're having here potter

Thebiwholived: do you just wanna maybe call? It'd probs be less awkward..

Gaycomalfoy: sure


NottTheo: well I'm hi? We're supposed to be chatting for the next week

Theking: ya I know. Hey

NottTheo: so what are some of your interests?:)

Theking: I like quidditch, and food mostly.. I'm kinda boring

NottTheo: ummm well would you like to maybe sit with me at lunch?:)

Theking: sure:)


Booknerd: hey pansy! I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about yourself where we have to chat for the next week:)

PANsyparkinson: hey! I like art, poetry, the color black, I really love space. Space is just really pretty in my opinion! I like cats quite a bit as well

Booknerd: I love looking at art and reading poetry but I'm really bad at both aha. We should research about space together! I also really love cats, you should come meet my cat:)

PANsyparkinson: I could teach you! That'd be so fun!! I'm totally down for meeting your cat!!

Booknerd: I'm looking forward to all the stuff we're gonna do:)


Redhead: hey Luna:)

Lovegood: hello! I heard we have to hang out for the next week?

Redhead: yepppp we do! 

Redhead: so I was wondering if you wanted to ask eachother questions back and forth

Lovegood: sure!:) you go first

Redhead: favourite candy?

Lovegood:hmmmm I like skittles

Lovegood: fav color?

Redhead: probably green

Lovegood: cool:)

Redhead: sexuality??

Lovegood: I haven't really put much thought into it, but I'm pretty sure I'm straight, wbu?

Redhead:me too!

Lovegood: have you ever tried anything with a girl??

Redhead: I-ummm no I haven't

Lovegood: do you want to?;)

420blaizeit: I guess you're my only source of communication for the week

Greenthumb: ya, I guess so:)

420blaizeit: well ummm what do you like to do for fun?

Greenthumb: plant mostly, I really love flowers:) reading is pretty fun too though!

420blaizeit: I don't know much about planting but we should definitely plant some flowers together:)

Greenthumb: I'm down:)


Deannn: welp I talk to you most of the time anyway so this ain't much different, hey dude

Irishboi: hi dean, just don't get sick of me please

Deannn: well bye then


Cutehufflepuff: I-uhhh hi..

Smitty: hey Henry

Cutehufflepuff: umm so what do you wanna talk about?

Smitty: how about we just not talk🙄 I have a boyfriend, I don't need ugly, trash trying to get between that

Cutehufflepuff: I-okay..

Thebestpotter: soooo, we need to get all these ships together?

Thebetterparkinson: you're telling me I wasn't the only one sensing the gay tension?

Thebestpotter: you definitely weren't. Let's start easy with blaise and neville!

Thebetterparkinson: otayyy! Mission bleville is a yes

Hey babes!:) I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I know the beginning is really boring but there's lots of tea at the end so I hope y'all don't mind! Bye:)

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