feast of feasts

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Zelda woke up from a beautiful voice and the sound of water. She opened her eyes and saw the bathroom door ajar. Lilith's voice sounded beautiful. And while Zelda stood up, she noticed that her clothes were still in the bathroom. 

She walked over to the bathroom and tried to be as quiet as possible, so that Lilith couldn't notice her presence in the bathroom. she grabbed her dress and as soon as she stood back up the water stopped running. ''Mind grabbing me a towel?'' Lilith asked. Zelda took a towel and walked towards the shower. She gave Lilith the towel looking away from her, out of respect and privacy. But it was also a little awkward for the redhead. 

Lilith actually didn't mind if the redhead saw her naked. She liked Mary's body and felt comfortable in it. Lilith took the towel looking at Zelda, she knew it was awkward for her but she loved the idea of Zelda seeing her like this. 

Zelda went back to the bedroom and got in her dress. Then both women were prepaired for the day and went downstairs.

''Goodmorning Zeld's, and mrs Wardwell''. Hilda said. ''Goodmorning and you can say Mary''. Lilith told Hilda. Zelda didn't say anything to her sister and sat down at her daily kitchen chair, like always. They ate breakfast and Zelda let Lilith to the door to say goodbye. ''Thank you for letting me sleep here''. Lilith said. ''Thank you for the...Movie.'' Zelda said while she opened the door and saw intestines hanging at the door knob. ''I think your family is chosen Zelda.'' Lilith said while pointing at the hanging organs. ''Yes I suppose we are.'' Zelda said. ''Well do I see you tonight at the church then?'' Lilith asked. ''Yes''. Zelda said and Lilith went home.

The feast of feasts had arrived quickly and Zelda was ready for it. she would really miss her family and.. Mary. She haven't seen Mary that night yet. Yes she was really interesting, but she shouldn't get in her way. she thought...

All woman were standing there and they all picked a paper from the box. Zelda was just about to pick a card as Lilith walked in. ''Stop!''. Lilith said walking towards the altar. ''Stop, please, I-I''. Lilith said desperate but Zelda completed her centence. ''Mary, you shouldn't do this''. Zelda said cold. and Lilith stapped back but still wore a worried look on her face.

All woman took cards and they started putting them up in the candle. And surprisently Zelda was the queen. Zelda stood there in shock. 'Did Mary predict?' she thought. ''You can't die... not now''. and Lilith stopped talking as Zelda walked over to her. ''Come over tonight, we will have a good talk''. Zelda said. and Lilith nodded in agreement.

After the church hailed Zelda, Zelda and her family went back to the mortuary. Zelda and Lilith sat back on the counch. ''So what gave you the urge to just walk into the church like that?''. Zelda said. ''Listen Zelda, sinds we met I started liking you, you feel like a friend to me, and I don't have that many friends''. Lilith explaned. ''Well, you wil not make friends if your alone in that cottage of yours!'' Zelda joked. But this was not Mary, this was Lilith. And Lilith didn't need friends.

They both giggled like teenagers after Zelda said that. ''But I would love to be your friend, I mean, I don't really have friends either. And spending time with you is no waste.'' Zelda said after the two woman took their giggle down. ''Thank you.'' Lilith said.

''So, you want a refill?'' Zelda asked. ''Yes please.'' And Zelda took the bottle of wiskey and poured it in. ''Thank you'' Lilith said while recieving the glass. And they talked a little more until Lilith finished her glass.

''I think I should go, it's getting late and you should go to bed.'' Lilith said, putting down her glass. ''Uhm uhm, I am a grown woman. I go to bed when I want to, but I'll let you out of the door,'' Zelda said.

Then they were both standing on the porch. ''Thank you again for having a drink with you'' Lilith said honest. ''Your welcome, like always. and I would really miss these evenings with you. But if you don't have plans for tomorrow evening then it would be an honer if you'll drink something with me tomorrow night, just like tonight. For one last time.'' Zelda asked. ''Of course I want to drink with you Zelda, see you tomorrow.'' Lilith said. ''See you tomorrow.'' Zelda said back.

And Zelda wondered if she really wanted to be offered or not for the feast of feasts. It would be a honer to her, but she started to feel that she wanted to stay on earth for Mary... Is this going to be the end, or just the begining?

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