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Fuck. With my index finger and my thumb, I pressed down on the bridge of my nose. College had taught me how to survive with four hours of sleep; what it hadn't taught me, was how to not get hungover. Montoya's deep laugh caused me to open my eyes and meet his gaze. He was wearing his typical tight black shirt and dark jeans, giving up his 'bouncer' look.

"It has been awhile since you called for a pick-up," he flashed me a small smirk.

"I had a rough night," I muttered, not wanting to go into detail on what happened.

"Understood, you sure you want to go tonight?" He raised a brow, pointing out my sweat pants and hoodie. It wasn't my typical outfit—actually thinking about, I don't think I have dressed like this around him.

I nodded, "the bills need to get paid," it was enough for Montoya to open the passenger door and let me inside the car.

I leaned my head against the glass and closed my eyes. As I was getting close to drifting off, my phone went off to the ringtone of no other than, Shawn.

Does he ever take a weekend off to rest? I groaned quietly, before answering, "hello Shawn,"

He chuckled softly on the other line, "did I wake you up, Ms. Vaughn?"

"No," I huffed out. "you called me during my study session," I lied, earning a quick glance from Montoya.

Shawn hummed, "sorry about that, I actually am need of your assistant tonight."

Strange. He never needs me to go over his place at night. Usually our work days run late at the office, I have never gone to his place. "What do you need?" I asked curiously.

"This is quite embarrassing, however, I have a date tonight and I cannot find what to wear. I could use a ladies opinion,"

I furrowed my eyebrows; Shawn is one of the few guys who I know that has a good fashion taste, and he knows it too! "Can you send me pictures? I had plans."

"I will pay you overtime in cash if you come," his voice chimed as if he was certain that would catch my attention. It did, however it wouldn't cover for the shift I am taking on.

I sighed, it was stupid of me to even ponder the idea of saying 'no' to Shawn. My entire career lays on his hands, so what Shawn wants, Vaughn gives.

"Alright, I'll be there shortly," I responded.

"Good. I will text you my address," and he hung up the phone.

"Want me to drop you off?" Montoya offered.

"Yeah, please."

"You know for someone who doesn't take shit from anyone you sure do kiss the pavement that guy walks on," I chuckled quietly, agreeing with him.

"He is the only one who can help me get to the top, I don't want to work two jobs all my life," I confessed.

Shawn pays me well for being his personal assistant, but I have my grandmother who doesn't work anymore. She depends on me to take care of her; the caretaker isn't cheap. Don't get me wrong, for my grandmother, I'd bring the moon down and back. However, juggling a full-time job, classes, and a part-time job gets overwhelming. Sometimes, I wish life was made easier for me.

"A pretty girl like you can get a rich man and forget all her worries," Montoya winked playfully, knowing there was no way I'd ever let a man make me his trophy wife.

"Honestly, at this rate, I might as well start looking for a sugar daddy," I chuckled. "if you are interested I'll be taking applications,"

Montoya rolled his eyes, "sorry to  break it to you but I am barely making a living for myself. Your best shot is with someone on the upper east side."

I frowned, men from the upper east side are snobby and not loyal at all. From politicians to corporate CEO's they all have their eyes on the candy-eye barbies with daddy's money. They'd make me into the mistress who they come to fuck on the weekend, and talk about how they are ready to leave their wife. I'll pass on the rich guys. Of course, all of this is hypothetical, there is no way I can get a man for their money.

"You can't get a man, period," Montoya muttered. I punched his arm, gaining a small groan from him. "what? You suck at picking men, you love guys with toxic traits!"

"Montoya! I dated one guy and for some reason you got all of that from my breakup?" I raised a brow.

He nodded, "you weren't good at hiding your breakup or how he would stalk you around,"

"Anyways!" I chose to ignore his comment. "thank you for dropping me off. Hopefully, I will see you sometime this week," I said, getting out the car.

"Vaughn," he said as he turned to look at me. "all jokes aside, for a young girl you work way too much. Now that it looks like your are over your breakup, maybe you should take the small free time to focus on yourself," Montoya isn't as old as he sounds, I'd say he is in his late twenties going on to thirty. I've been knowing him since I started college and it seems like he took a fond over me. Although he cares for all of us as we were his younger sisters, he doesn't speak as much with anyone else.

"I'll try my best," I smiled.

"Alright, be safe." He rolled up the window and I watched him drive off. Turning around I looked up at the tall building.

I expected for Shawn to own a mansion or a luxury home, yet it looks like he lives in a condo just in a richer part of the city. As I came close to the door, a gentlemen opened the door for me.

"Good evening, how may I help you?" he asked kindly.

"George?" I questioned him nervously. Shawn had texted me a set of instructions, I was suppose to tell a man in the lobby name George to give me access to the top floor.

He nodded, "I am Vaughn, Shawn Nyguen said he was going to let you know I needed access to the top floor,"

"Oh yes, follow me." He led me to the front desk and gave me a visitors card with a small gold scan on the back. "This pass will only give you access to the top floor. Just take these elevators and scan the badge,"

"Okay, thank you." I followed his instructions and made it to the top floor.

Stepping out, I was in awe, Shawn's place was the entire floor. This was more of what I was expecting for his place to look like. Shawn came from around the corner with a glass of whiskey in hand.

"Hey-" his eyes quickly roamed down my body. Looking down, my cheeks flushed, I wasn't dressed properly to be going out in public. My idea was to change once I got to work.

I cleared my throat, "Like I said, you caught me when I was studying,"

He shook his head lightly and took a sip of his drink, "I didn't say anything about your outfit," he teased.

"Shut up! You know you were about to,"

He laughed, "it's weird to see you dress like that, Ms. Vaughn,"

Yeah, yeah. Its a shocker to find out I have a life outside of his company. "Whatever, Shawn, lets get this over with,"

"Before showing you what I chose, do you want a drink? Alcoholic, water, or soda?"

Alcohol was the last thing my body needed again, "water, please."

I follow Shawn to the kitchen and he grabs a bottle water from the pantry, before leading me up the stairs.

Lowkey enjoying writing this story. Let me know your thoughts!

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