At least I was until I heard something slam into the ground. I turned my head to find two boys standing there with a three-point "villain" lying down in front of them. They were the same two boys from before.

The taller one—the one whom I didn't get a name to when tried to help me get away from the orange-haired boy—turned around to look at Kaito, the orange-haired boy. His face turned red as he gritted his teeth.

"You bastard! That was mine!" he screamed.

I froze at the mention of that word. My hairs stood up on my neck as I watched the scene unfold. The people here weren't hesitant to use profanity, but that didn't mean I was used to it. In fact, hearing it more often just made me tense up even more.

"Hey now, take it easy. Remember, just take down those robots, gather as many points as possible, and all is good," Kaito said. "The guy said nothing about taking other people's targets or anything for that matter."

That didn't make things any better. By the looks of things, it made the problem a whole lot worse. The boy with the dark hair clenched his hands into fists and as he did, his already building muscles grew twice in size.

I was right in thinking his Quirk was Ultra Strength, but seeing it in action made me realize why he looked so familiar. His Quirk was the exact same Quirk as Power Girl. She was one of the heroes my brother looked up to as she used her Ultra Strength to take down villains and carry multiple people out of danger. 

But seeing this guy use the exact same Quirk wasn't what truly shocked me. What shocked me was seeing how similar he looked to her. They shared the exact same facial features, hair, eye color, even muscular build. I tried wracking my brain to remember her name—that is, hoping she released her name to the public—when I finally remembered: Hatsuko Yamamoto. It was more than likely that he shared the surname as her too. I just couldn't believe I didn't see it before when I first met him.

If the young Yamamoto had any ounce of strength that his sister had, then Kaito was in for a massive beatdown.

"Thanks for reminding me, you little bastard," Yamamoto growled as he brought his arm back to punch.


I felt my body growing, knowing Kaito's fate if he stood there doing nothing. My feet started to react before my mind could process what I was doing. In a blink of an eye, I felt myself pushing Kaito down to the ground. Once he was down, I turned around, seeing Yamamoto's fist one second before it rammed right into my eye.


I flew back until my body slammed into the wall. It didn't hurt as much as it could've. If I was in my normal body, I would've blacked out right there. Instead, I remained conscious, but my head started spinning.

Despite the fact that Yamamoto was multiplying into three different people and fading into one before repeating, I could see his eyes widened. There were many reasons why he could've been shocked. For one, his attack should've landed onto Kaito. It didn't. If it wasn't for Kaito calling my name, he would've thought he landed an attack on himself, or, at least, a mere copy of himself.

That was my Quirk: Biochange. I had the ability to look like any person I saw as long as I could remember what they looked like. Yamamoto stood right in front of me. It was easy for me to change to look exactly like him. I just couldn't use his Quirk.

"Tami?" Yamamoto gasped, before looking utterly pissed once again. He snapped his head to look over to Kaito. "I can't believe you'd let some girl take your place, you bastard!"

"St-st-stop c-c-calling him that," I demanded as I struggled to stand up.

I stood on my own two feet and clenched my fists. Even with no Quirk, I could feel the amount of muscle Yamamoto had. He had worked out to make his Quirk more useful. I could use his normal strength to my advantage, but I wasn't sure if it would be enough.

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