Joey: it... It wasn't working... You see Shane, your right... I was using Will even if I loved him by the time, but I still love you and... I don't want to have a ring on my finger... If it doesn't have your name on it

Shane: are you nuts!? That guy deserves much better then you! Just because you love me now, don't mean you can blow away someone like that!!

Joey: he... He told me he was fine about it

Shane: he just says that to make you happy!! He still loves you Joey! You can't love me! You need to love him!

Joey: but I love you so much more! And I want you back!!

Shane: but guess what Joey! How can I trust you? I can I think that I'm not an excuse for you just to fill your heart with love to just. Real it when you find someone els? I can't handle the stress over a heartbreak again Joey, at least not from you!

Did... Did Shane just scream that? I have been in love with him I first saw him, I was still in love with him when he was my bully and all!

Joey: Shane I...

Shane: leave Joey, I can't see you right now

Joey: but Shane!

Shane: just leave

He cried, like crazy I never seen him like this... But I see in his eyes that he don't want me to go.

Joey: I'm staying

Shane: that's not a good idea Joey, you should put the ring back on your finger!

Joey: I don't want to, I want to be with you or no one

Shane: you can't see the stress that's taking over me

Joey: Shane, relax I'm here to help you, only help you

I sat an hand over his and he started to clam down.

Joey: come on, let it out

Shane broke down over my chest and I hugged around him.

Shane: I miss you!!! I miss you so much!! I have been looking everywhere for you! I just couldn't see you be happy around someone that wasn't me! I'm just so jealous that's someone else is the one getting your kisses and your hugs. But I want you to be happy, but if that meant that I can't be a part of it I don't want anything to do with it!

Joey: shhh Shane, it's okay. I'm happy to be with you now, I have never been happier besides the times we have been hanging out. I miss you, I love you

Shane: I love you too, but what will happen to Will?

Joey: his heartbroken and... He drank last night after I told him but.., I would just make him more upset if we were still together because I can't be fully happy with him, not like When I'm with you

Shane: really?

Joey: yeah, I mean look at our pass, so much fun we have had! All the times at our hang outs, our dates, the times we played with Jett, when we played in the kitchen while making cookies, talking to our moms, had dinner, the times we had by the tv, the time I took a bullet for you, when we had sex...

Shane: you seriously miss when we had sex?

Joey: of course I do, I miss every single thing with you

Shane looked deep inside my eyes, they were wet from the tears and I took a finger to take them away.

Joey: I love you Shaney

Shane: I love you too, little kangaroo

I giggled, he remember my nickname! I loved to be called his little kangaroo.

Joey: I missed to being your little kangaroo

Shane: your not mine...

Joey: can I be yours? I'm just a lost little baby kangaroo that trying to find someone that can love me and someone I can give my love too

Shane: your so cute

Joey: "typical gay word cute"

Shane: oh! That day I walked you home!!

Joey: when you kissed me on the cheek

I blushed when I though about it, it was the first kiss Shane gave me.

Shane: like this?

He said and kissed my cheek just like that night. The memories came back, I was so happy

Joey: yeah, hehe I remember that

Shane: I do too...

Shane's deep blue eyes were so wonderful, looking into mine... I just needed... To kiss him...
Hi everyone, hope you liked this cute chapter!! I'm so happy to have the Shoey boys back together!

If you read the thing I writes in my other book about quitting, just let me tell you all, I'm not doing it for attention!!! I don't care about it! I just got a really bad information from my mom... The most of you know my mom is my best friend and she's still not well because of work, but I do admit I overreacted about it and I'm sorry, I still don't know if I should quit or not but your still interested at least, but just you know I maybe will be really bad at writing after a while because Luke are still writing a bit for my other book.

Question of the day!
What will Shoey do next?


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