°Chapter 2°

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Sometimes the love of your life
Comes after the
Mistake of your life



"And lastly this is your cabin" Max stated waving his hand at a very old looking blue door with a silver handle. "Thanks" I mutter shooting him a small smile as I push open the door. "Dinner is at six sharp" he says peering into the very bland room before closing the door and leaving me to my own devices. Glancing around the room I note the digital clock on the left wall reads 16:00. "Two hours till dinner..." I sigh as I scan the room.

Single bed in the corner with a bedside table. One rather small desk with no drawers but has a camera stand? On another note... And a locker that I assume is for clothes... I feel like I'm back in boarding school. Luckily I packed ready for prison so it's super easy to just throw my clothes into the locker. The unpacking goes quickly until I get to the bottom of my bag where a mahogany box awaits me.

The very same box my grandmother gave me on my sixteenth birthday. Inside are my most valuable possessions. Three picture frames. All handmade by myself and Maggie. A small smile slips onto my face as I take them out slowly.

The first with its bright blue frame and horribly written Family will definitely give the room some color. The smiling faces of my parents sends a sharp pain through my chest so I move on to the next one, trying, in vain, to get away from the pain the memories bring.

This next one is more influenced by Maggie. Pink was her favorite color. All different kinds of pink. But this soft pink reminds me of her favorite scarf she used to wear.

In this one we're standing in the backyard with our arms around the others waist, duck faces on fleek and a peace sign. We looked near identical... which sometimes I love because I feel I'll never be able to forget and yet sometimes I feel burdened because I'll never get to see her grow.

My eyes water as I move on to the next one. Taken three days before my fourteenth birthday. My last birthday with Maggie. It's the four of us. Mom, dad, Maggie and Me. We're sitting surrounding Maggie's bed in the hospital and we all have the biggest smiles on our faces... I wish I had known then how little time we had left.

"Christie?" It's a woman in a white lab coat that calls for my attention from my slightly opened door. "Yes?" I huff placing down the picture frame and turning to give her my full attention. I'm almost grateful for her pulling me away from where my thoughts had strayed.

"I'm sorry to bother you but you've been called to the lab and you haven't answered your pager so they sent me to come get you, just to make sure you're alright and that your pager really is broken-" she rambled. "It's perfectly fine thank you" I state wiping my hands on my pants. "I didn't even hear the pager" I mutter shooting her a confused look. "In fact I didn't even know I had a pager?" I ask. "Well it's in the yellow package silly" the lady smiles stepping into the room and tipping the yellow package out onto my bed and there it is, the damn pager.

"Oh" I mutter feeling a blush spreading across my cheeks. "Well I'll escort you to the lab since I'm here anyway" the lady smiles. "I'm Danielle by the way but you can call me Dani since we're going to be working so close together" the lady or well Dani stated.

"What do you mean we're going to work close together?" I can't help but ask whilst I slip my laminex around my neck. She doesn't much look like an Avatar link. "Well I'm going to be the voice in your ear and your Doctor whilst your in Link" Danielle states grinning at me.

'Well at least she's nice...' I think as I start following her. "So first thing on today's agenda is for your checkup before I escort you to dinner" Danielle chats as we take a left turn and continue down a super long hallway... I feel like I'm never going to get my bearings. Yes I know i need to give myself enough time to adjust... I just don't think I really expected to feel this overwhelmed.

"Tomorrow it's breakfast at Seven. At Eight sharp you will be expected in the Lab where you will be fitted for the body suit and you'll pick your link station and then finally, if all goes well, you'll be able to meet your Navi" Danielle continues to explain as we finally come to a stop in front of a big sliver double door. My excitement for tomorrow is so strong it completely overshadows the panic I should've felt. Finally my dream feels like its here. all the hard work, blood, sweat and tears have have paid off.

"This is the Lab" Danielle states sounding quite proud of herself... As she should be. It looks like something out of a dream. Sterile white counter space. White walls and high tech gadgets fill otherwise empty spaces. So cool! It looks like something straight out of a movie.

"Excuse all the white... Being a scientist it makes things easier, cleaning mostly." Danielle says shooting me a grin before patting the bed next to her. "Come on" she's still grinning. "Hop on so we can start. I really don't want to miss dinner. I heard today they have chicken..." Danielle trailed off as she started sticking pads to my chest before moving on to my back, there's a couple on my tummy too.

"These will stay on for the next month or so. They will fall off when they get old or when we need to replace them. This will help us keep track of how your body is physically handling everything" she explains as she goes on. I almost feel like it's more for her benefit though because honestly I'm so hungry I can eat a small village and even though science theory was covered during my studies I never really focused on it so you could even go so far as to assume that I don't really care about the small details. 

'I'm one step closer to finally achieving my dream' is basically on repeat in my mind.
I think as a soft bitter sweet smile stretches across my face. 'I wonder if Maggie would've been happy?' 

*updated 22.02.2023*

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