WOHOO!!!! Naru party time!!!!(Tenshis pov)

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We walked behind Kakashi and I poked his hair and running my fingers through it. I woke up a few minutes ago and startled everyone except my friends/family when I jumped on kakashi's back. That is when I had started stroking his hair.

"How do you keep your hair like this? I mean... it's just so soft and fluffy!!!!!!" I exclaimed. I then jumped off his back and walked normally since we were in the hokage building. As soon as kakashi opened the door I tackled the hokage surprising the anbu in the room.

"Yrmdjo fpm'y loaa yjr jplshr pt radr yjru epm'y ary id dysu jrtr." Kibo said.*Tenshi don't kill the hokage or else they won't let us stay here*

"Frzr, og o fpm'y mpe o zohjy mrbrt nr snar yp!!" I replied with anime tears. *Demo, if I don't now I might never be able to!!* this just made Kibo sigh.

"Gomr niy pm pmr vpmfoyopm." *Fine but on one condition.*

"Ejsy?" *What?*

"Er saa jih joz!" *We all hug him* and on that note the others hugged him.

"Uhh, we might wanna let go before one of them attacks us." Shinako said with a sweatdrop. I pouted but eventually let go. The hokage just looked at me with wide eyes.

"W-what are your names?" He asked after calming down a little. I held in a laugh since his eyes were still wide.

"I'm Kibo. The one turning red from trying to hold in her laughter is tenshi, the one with fox ears and tail is Kuru, the one with horse ears and tail is Shinako, the one with horns and snake eyes is ryu, the one with snake eyes is rai/raiden, we all think of each other as family since we never really had any." Kibo said as i looked at the ground tryong not to cry.

"Alright but one more question." He said, making me look up. "How do you five have ears and tails? And apparently wings for you kibo."

At this i started laughing. I led everyone outside to a large clearing and nodded at my family with a smile. One by one they turned back to their animal forms and i heard several drops and turned around to find that everyone had their jaws on the ground. At this i just fell down laughing.

"Well that explains a few things." I heard the hokage mumble.

"Explains what?" Shinako asked as she trotted up to me and helping me up. All the ninjas present jumped five feet in the air and i fell down laughing again.

"C-cant b-breath!!!!!" I managed to get out. Through my laughing and tears. I felt more than saw everyone sweatdrop at me. After i calmed down and stood up i whiped my tears away. I looked at the hokage and smiled at him.

"So, can we stay?" I asked him and he nodded.

"But first i want to speak to you alone please, miss. Tenshi" he said and i nodded. We all walked back to the hokages building and i went in with him while everyone else waited outside.

"How do you have the rinringan?" He asked and i felt questionmarksover my head. He sighed and pulled out a mirror showing me. I gasped quietly then grinned.

"I. AM. EPIC!!!" I squeeled. " also i have no idea how i have them (^◇^;)"

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