Peter: about 2 years.

When I said that she looked like she was out for blood.

Peter: remember the promise.

Nat:sigh fine but I'm going to your school tomorrow.

Peter: ok can I go do my homework.

Nat: yep hop to it.

Time skip

When I got finished I thought I'd go out on patrol I got out my new suit I thought it looked awesome i then went out the window.

Time skip.

Nat's pov

As we was sitting in the living room we all heard Friday.

Friday: Spider-Man is on the move.

We then all got suited up except Bruce we want him alive not dead.

Spider-Man's pov

As I stopped another mugging I went up to the top of a building I then wanted to try out my web grenades I then heard thrusters I knew this would be the perfect chance.

Nat's pov

As the Quinn jet landed we all got out and saw Spider-Man in a new suit.

As the Quinn jet landed we all got out and saw Spider-Man in a new suit

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Spider-Man's pov

Tony: nice suit upgrade.

Spider-Man: thanks but just so you know this isn't the only upgrade I've made.

All of the avengers vs Spider-Man let's see who wins.

Spider-Man: so are we gonna fight or not cause I need the exercise.

Tony: do you think this is a joke.

Spider-Man: yes well I mean your suit is.

Tony: what the hell do you mean.

Spider-Man: well *holds up left arm* let's just say I'm giving myself a handicap.

I say that as I press a button I then hear.

Friday: sir it appears that you suit is malfunctioning you no longer have control of your left arm.

Tony: what the hell did you do!

I smiled then raised my left hand as did Ironman.

Spider-Man: well looks like it works I have control of your left arm.

I then turn to the black widow and.

Tony: Nat run!

As I shot not Intending to hit her I powered it up she moved away but I then use an impact web on her she was now stuck to the roof I then saw quicksliver coming for me I filled over him and placed a web grenade on him while doing so I then see vision flying at me as I see another Ironman suit come up to Tony he gets out and gets in the new one I then ducked out the way of visions grip I then see Wanda throw her magic at me it hits me.


I then use the force to go towards vision and upper cut him I then catch an arrow before I can throw it to the ground it exploded I stubbled back I then get shot in the gut by Ironman.

Steve: enough!

Tony: Steve the hell do you mean.

Steve: look at him.

I wasn't listening I took up my mask to my mouth and spat out blood I put it back down I then say this as I get back in to a fighting Stace.

Spider-Man: I can do this all day.*pants*

Tony: no we are bringing him in either you like it or not.

Tony then flys at me I just stand there when he gets close enough i duck out the way and I jump up and web on to his back I then feel my spidy sense I move as a arrow hits his back but doesn't do much I then ran at Steve.

Steve:( if I have too.)

We ran at each other he punches me I punch him right in the jaw he gets set back in to a wall I web him to it I then feel vision grab me from behind.

Vision: calm down.

I broke out of his grip I then kick him away from me I then see black panther running at me he trys to slash me I then jump up and I send 2 webs on both sides of him and pull my self full force kicking him with both my feet I when gets on the ground I jumped off him and webbed him down to the roof.


I then see All of them close enough to Quicksilver.

Spider-Man: hey Quicksilver what's that on your back.

They all then looked on his back and I then say.

Spider-Man:*whispers* now Karen.

Just the all of the avengers was webbed to something or someone I then swing off.

And head for home.

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