chapter 1

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This is what Peter looks like.

This is what Peter looks like

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Name: Peter Parker.
Age: 15.

As Peter was watching TV with some others in the group home they saw the office open and out walked mr'lee.

Mr'lee: ok we have a few special people coming here today they are hoping to adopt a boy age 14-16 so all that's is please line when I say so.

We all agreed he then started sweeping a bit.

Mr'lee: oh yeah Peter I was wondering how is the internship with mr'stark going.

Peter: pretty swell it's pretty simple really I just help with pretty much everything he says I'm the best and most loyal intern he has he also says that I may even be smarter then him one day.

Mr'lee: wow well I'm not surprised you are very smart.

Peter: thanks.

At stark industries.

Tony: oh yeah before I forget I need to have more stuff for Peter to do tomorrow.

Steve: you do speak highly of him why don't we meet him.

Tony: hey it ain't my fault no ones here when I bring him over.

Just then Tony saw Peter's aunt on the TV.

Tony: Friday turn up the TV.

Just then he heard.

News reporter: this just in may Parker ain't of Peter Parker that was murdered almost a year ago with no leads then but we now have new information on the case be on the look out for Norman Osborn.

Tony: Friday turn the TV off.

Steve: is something wrong.

Tony: why didn't he tell me that was Peter the one I was talking about i had no idea.

Clint: wow Tony has a heart.

Tony: tomorrow I'm when he comes in he will be moving in.

Just then Nat walked in.

Nat: oh hey I'm ready.

Tony: yeah ok.

Clint: are you sure about this Nat.

Nat: yes I am and Tony thank you for being with me on this.

Tony: hey I think it's great and at least I know that you do have a heart.

Time skip.

As me and Nat walked in to the orphanage I saw the owner he took us to his office and handed us the adoption papers I sighed as the father because he was going to be living in my house I then went to go back out to the car.

Nat's pov

As Tony left the owner took me to the living room and said everyone who is 14-16 to stand up as they did I just walked over to each of them some looked regular some just had a snotty attitude  but there was one who caught my eye he was leaving the living room but before he could I heard the owner say.

Mr'lee:Peter I said for you to line up.

he stopped and went in line I went up to him there was something that I couldn't but my finger on something in my head saying this one I started to look at him more carefully I then looked in to his eyes I saw that he was hiding something I then saw him look away but I also saw pain in his eyes I then said.

Nat: I think ill take Peter here was it.

He then looked at me surprised and said.

Peter:b-but miss I'm not good enough and there are more deserving kids here that deserves it.

Nat: (yes definitely this one) sorry Peter your mine now.

As we both went in to the office he sighed the paper and was told to go get his stuff I went out to the car and Tony was there  waiting outside of the car.

Tony: did you find one.

Nat: yep it was almost as if destiny he's getting his stuff.

Just then Peter walked out Tony saw him and said.

Tony: Peter!?

Peter: mr'stark!?

Nat: you 2 know each other?

Tony: he's my intern also why didn't you tell me about your aunt.

After explaining everything including how they know each other to Nat.


Peter: it's ok if you don't want me no more.

Nat: firstly who wouldn't want a cutie like you as their son.

Peter:*whispers* I'm not cute.

Nat: yes you are now come on let's go home.

Tony: sigh well welcome to the family son.

When they got there.

Peter's pov.

As we walked in.

Tony gave me a card that said.

Name: Peter Romanoff
Access to : everywhere

Tony: keep that.

Peter: ok

As went in I saw Dr'banner he walked up to us and said.

Bruce: oh you must be Nat's kid nice to meet you I'm br-

Peter: Dr'banner I love your work on gamma manipulation I've done projects on them before your so Incredibly awesome.

This caught Nat and Bruce off guard but but quickly hid it.

Tony: so remember the boy I was telling you about earlier well this is him.

Just then Clint/thor/Bucky/steve/pepper walked in after the explaining.

Nat: let me show you to your room.

Tony: oh yeah before I forget I had some more stuff added to the room you know just in case you had a case of inspiration like I do at times.

Peter: you didn't have to mr'stark.

Tony: oh and no more mr'stark it's Tony mr'stark sounds old.

Peter:*looks confused* but I thought you was old.

Clint:*bursts out laughing* I already love this kid.

Peter: did I do something funny.

Nat: no Peter come I'll take you  to your room.

Pepper: oh before I forget Peter you are supposed to call Mom for now on I won't answer to anything else.

Peter was about to interjet but.

Nat: that's a great idea.

Peter just looked down and pouted just then Nat rubbed his curls.

Nat: your adorable.

Peter:*whispers*no I'm not.

Nat:no back talking mama also you are not aloud to call me any thing else.

I then went with her to my new room I freaked out at it after I calmed down she left I laid down but just then a thought came to mind.

Peter:(what am I'm going to do about patroling.)

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