Jurassic Mistake

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Tears. They were endless. They trickled down my face swiftly but silently. My chest heaved trying to keep up with them. There are no words to describe the ache in my heart, the physical pain I feel. My eyes watched the live feed, keeping an eye out just in case this was all a sick joke.

It wasn't.

"Mrs. Cooper?" Lowery called quietly as he reached out to me.

My hand reached down to my stomach, the small bump reminding me of what I just lost.

"No!" I screamed. "No, no, no, no!"
I fell to my knees. Lowery followed me, bringing me to his chest as everybody else in the room bowed their heads. I screamed and cried. Sobbed. My chest felt like tornado ripped right through it. Spit and tears ran around the lines of my face as it contorted. All I felt was pain.

My husband. My wonderful, beautiful husband. Gone. His last moment living forever within me.
"I should've let him stay home! He said he had a feeling, I should've let him stay home!" I sobbed. I couldn't stop. My nails dug into the skin of Lowery's arm. I continued to cry as the flat line echoed throughout the room. I looked to Claire, sobs still wrecking my body. I watched as a single tear trickled down her cheek when she made eye contact with me.

"You said he'd be safe!" I hollered, voice going scratchy. "You promised. "

I went to walk towards her and Lowery let me but Owen didn't. His large frame crashed into my smaller one and held me at bay as I thrashed, ready to tear out her throat.

"Who's going to take care of us now?!" I screamed. I could hear the shrill of my voice and I could feel it in the back of my throat but I didn't care.

Another tear trickled down her face as she turned away, looking to Mr. Masrani. I stopped trying to get to her, exhausted. Owen clung to me as I slid to the floor, I stayed there. Even when he moved away in anger and when Lowery came to comfort me. When InGen came to take over and when Claire left. I stayed.

The ache in my chest was unbearable, I don't know how my baby and I survived it.

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