14) .The Doctor's Wives.

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.The Doctor's Wife.

(The italicized sentences in Catherine's speech will be the TARDIS.)

~Third Person~

The Time Lords were dead. He knew that Catherine must have known, but why didn't she tell him? No, he knew the answer to that question. He wouldn't have listened. He never listened when he was emotional, and he was over emotional. But that other woman, the woman that Catherine had followed, Idris. She knew something. There was something odd about her. Something familiar. He couldn't place it, but it made him angry. Whoever she was, he could hardly stand her, so he stomped over to the room with the cage where he believed Idris was. He was right. Except Catherine was there too. Is that where she had run off too? She was locked inside the cage, and the body of Idris laid behind her, looking completely dead.

"Catherine, what happened?" the Doctor asked her, looking very confused. "Is Idris still asleep? I wanted to talk to her."

A wicked smile erupted on Catherine's face as she ran to the bars, slamming up against them and making them jangle.

"Thief! You've come back for me!" Catherine cried.


"Don't call him thief," Catherine chided herself. "I never call him thief. You'll confuse him. But that's what he is, isn't he? Perhaps, but he won't understand."

"Catherine, what's happening?"

Catherine rolled her eyes. "You don't know me? Just because they put me in another body. She was smart. She knew. I know you better than he does. I understand your speech patters. Doctor it's-" She interrupted herself. "I want him to figure it out on his own. He's smart. Alright then. Whatever you wish."

"Another body?" the Doctor continued. He was so close. Then it hit him. "The TARDIS? Catherine, you put the TARDIS in your body?"

"Time And Relative Dimension in Space. I had to, Doctor. I didn't want her to die in a human body. Human bodies can't handle the strength of the TARDIS matrix. I think you would understand that."

Of course the Doctor knew. He remembered Rose.

"Names are funny," Catherine said. "It's me. I'm the TARDIS. Type forty TARDIS. I was already a museum piece when you were young. Of course, I'm still younger than this ancient creature. Hey, that's not funny."

Catherine snickered. "I think it's pretty funny."

"You're the TARDIS," the Doctor said. He looked over Catherine. 

Her whole stature was different. She held herself up straighter, sticking out her chest and her hips. Her chin was held up higher, her lips curved in a smirk. She definitely didn't look like herself, but the Doctor could tell the change between the two different people who were talking. It was almost like talking to two people in two different bodies. Two people with the same face. 

"Yes," Catherine replied.


"My Doctor," she claimed, her eyes widening. "Oh, we have now reached the point in the conversation where you open the lock."

Though hesitant, the Doctor raised his sonic screwdriver and unlocked the cage. The door popped open and Catherine ran to him, wrapping her arms around her neck with a little squeal before backing up and coughing uncomfortably, her cheeks going red. It was like something else was controlling her. Well, something else was controlling her.

"Can I kiss him?" she asked. "Absolutely not. We must respect others' boundaries. But you want- Don't even finish that thought, you."

Catherine smiled at the Doctor, trying to pretend as if nothing happened. The Doctor, though completely oblivious, peered at her curiously, wondering what could possibly be going on in her head.

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