13) .The Doctor's Fancy.

Start from the beginning

The woman laid a big fat kiss on the Doctor's mouth, taking him completely by surprise. He pushed away quickly, and I sprung into action, either protecting the Doctor or protecting the woman I was about to slap if she dare kissed the Doctor again.

"Watch out," a man warned, following closely behind the second woman. "Careful. Keep back from her. Welcome strangers. Lovely. Sorry about the mad person." The man smiled, but in no way did it seem at all like a kind smile.

These two people, besides the woman that kissed the Doctor, were hardly what they were in the beginning, I could tell. Though they kept their other parts hidden, I could tell that they were a mix of all races just by looking at them. I had never met these kind of people before. They were quite ... patchwork.

"Oh, you!" The first woman exclaimed when she was in my hands. "Oh, you! Water that flows under a bridge! The listener! You've heard my voice before, but now it's in your own language! No, this is English."

I almost cried. This person in front of me was so familiar, I almost fell apart when she spoke. the way she spoke was a way that I had been hearing for a long time, and at the moment, I didn't even realize it. The odd patterns, the bouncing back and forth. I had been hearing it for so long. Why didn't I hear it then?

"Oh. Oh, we are sorry, my dove," the patchwork woman replied. "She's off her head. They call me Auntie." She curtsied.

"And I'm Uncle. I'm everybody's Uncle." The patchwork man patted the Doctor on the cheek. "Just keep back from this one. She bites!"

"Do I?" the woman asked. "Excellent." She reached out to try and bite me, but she was unsuccessful with my grip around her.

"Don't do that dear," I said with a shake of my head.

"Yes, you're right. I shan't." Her happy expression dropped. "Oh, but now you're sad. No, you're not. You will be sad. My thief will make you sad."

I glanced over at the Doctor. "Of course. That happens a lot." I said the words to her with too much honesty.

"It means the smell of dust after rain," said the woman suddenly.

"What does?' Rory asked.


"But we didn't ask."

She smiled. "Not yet. But, you will."

"No, no, Idris," the patchwork woman said, wrapping her arms around the woman named Idris, pulling her away from me. "I think you should have a rest."

"Rest, Yes, yes. Good idea. I'll just see if there's an off switch." Idris dropped to the ground, thankfully not before Rory caught her in his arms. The Doctor was close enough to both of them that he helped Rory prop her up in a broken seat nearby.

"Is that it? She dead now. So sad." The patchwork man didn't sound sad at all.

Rory crinkled his nose. "No, she's still breathing."

"Nephew, take Idris somewhere she can not bite people."

I looked to where Uncle was talking to, and not too far away, an Ood stood, looking all mysterious and silent. Unlike most Ood, this one's eyes were green. It made me wonder if his mind was really his own in this case, but he seemed aware enough.

I smiled. "It's been a long time since I've seen an Ood."

"An Ood?" Amelia asked.

"Ah yes!" the Doctor cried out. "It's an Ood. Oods are good. Love an Ood. Hello Ood." He approached nephew just as I was wondering how much he would say Ood in the span of five seconds. "Can you talk? Oh, I see. It's damaged." He pointed to the Oods brain, encased with a white orb. "May I? It might just be on the wrong frequency."

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