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The Dark Tyranamon Burst into the orange room and looked at Michael and Saltation Meicoomon with a look of Hunger in its eyes.

Saltation Meicoomon hissed at the Dinosaur Digimon!

Witchmon jumped onto of the Dark Tyranamon's head and looked down at Michael and Saltation Meicoomon.

"Oh Meicoomon, look at you, your so Beautiful and look you've already begun to massacre the Izumi boy, you finish up, I can wait."

Abraham pulled out a knife and threw it at Witchmons head!

The knife hit her in the four-head but she easily pulled it out and the wound healed quickly.

"Oh Abraham, haven't we moved past this?" Witchmon said as she threw the knife back at Abraham who caught it as it was an inch away from his skin.

"Michael, I want you run to the exit as fast as you can and don't look back. At the end of the hall you will find an old elevator, take it and get to the sapphire."

"But what about you?"

"I've lived a long life, besides it's time that I pay for my sins." Abraham said as he looked back at Witchmon, Saltation Meicoomon, and Dark Tyranamon.

Michael ran towards the exit and herd the fight between the four begin!

The hall he ran down was Pitch black. He could barely see his hand in front of his face but he didn't care, he just kept running. He wished he still had scar Gatomon, Veemon and Patamon with him. He should have told the others he was coming here instead of keeping it a secret, that way they all would be able to fight witchmon and win against her and then they would have been able to get to the sapphire and keep it safe.

He stopped running when he heard a clanging sound.

"Mikey, where are you? I know you here, I can hear your breathing. Why don't you just come out and we can sort this whole thing out?" Michael froze in place as he herds Saltation Meicoomon's voice.

"Come on Mikey, come on out, I won't bite. Just think about it Mikey, if you help me find the sapphire,we would be the most powerful beings in the digital world, you would be able to fulfill every dark desire you have, I know you have them. I knew it the first moment I met you and all you have to do is help me get the sapphire so I can have my revenge on Tai and Matt for killing me and leaving me for dead in this old Decrepit temple!"

Michael held his breath as he tiptoed to were he hoped the elevator was. He could see Saltation Meicoomon's greenish-yellow eyes glowing in the darkness.

" Please Michael, come out or at least let me know your still here, please don't leave me alone. Why can't you just come out and let me kill you?!"

Michael felt around the wall until he found the leaver that worked the elevator.

He slowly stepped in and was about to pull the leaver and have the elevator lift him up when he looked back into the hall and noticed Saltation Meicoomon still frantically looking for him.

He didn't know why but he felt a strange mix of sadness and pity for her. Maybe if he found the sapphire in time,he could use it to get Meicoomon back to her normal self.

Meicoomon herd the Doors to the elevator close.

"Mikey!" Meicoomon shouted as she lunged for the elevator but it was too high up for her to grab onto.

"Michael!" Meicoomon screamed in anger.

Michael looked down at her as the elevator was going up.

MEICOOMON'S RETURN Where stories live. Discover now