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Chapter 2:The Crimson sapphire

Meicoomon opened her eyes and saw nothing but gray sand.
She picked some up in her paws and felt it before it fell back onto the ground.

She then looked up and noticed that she was in a small room with stone walls.
What am I doing here? Meicoomon thought to herself.

She then heard a small whimper and looked over to the corner of the room and saw a young human male. He had short red hair, hazel eyes, he looked around 10 years old but seemed slightly shorter then an average boy of his age would be. There was something familiar about the boy that Meicoomon couldn't put her paws on.

He looked a mix of scared and surprised. Maybe if she calmed him down, he would help her find a way out of here. Meicoomon thought to herself.

"Hello..I'm Meicoomon."

The boy didn't respond at first but he did get up.

"I'm Michael, Michael Izumi."

That name, Izumi. It sounded familiar to her.

Someone she had known once had that same last name and that person looked very similar to this boy that stood in front of her.

"Um, are you ok?" The boy named Micheal Izumi asked.

"Uh, I guess so, I'm just not sure why I'm here?" Meicoomon said as she looked around the room they were both trapped in.

"Well, unfortunately, I don't know why you're here but I came here to search for ancient relics from the Digital worlds past but unfortunately a witchmon trapped me down here while my Digimon partners fight her up there," Michael said.

Meicoomon looked up in the Direction Michael was pointing at and noticed the trapdoor.

" Why don't we just go back up?" Meicoomon said as she pointed to the trapdoor.

"I already tried that. Something up there is keeping us down here."

Meicoomon thought to herself for a moment then looked behind the altar that had held her egg.

"What about that door?"

Michael looked to where she was pointing and noticed the door. He was surprised that he hadn't noticed it before.

Meicoomon watched as Michael walked over to it.

A Dark feeling came over Meicoomon as Michael got closer to the door. He was about to pull it open when Meicoomon stopped him.

"Wait..dodon't open that door."

"Why, you suggested we open it."

"I don't know why but there's something Dark Behind that door, I can feel it."

"Don't be silly, Meicoomon."

"You should listen to her."

The two then turned around and noticed a small Humanoid in a Dark Blue cloak.

"The Feline is right, Behind that door is nothing but Darkness and insanity, one Human in the past went beyond that door and when she came back out, her mind was ruined beyond repair, it is because of her the Digital world was rebooted."

"Who are you?" Michael asked.

"You may call me Abraham."

The three then heard a loud crashing sound coming from above them.

"Quickly, There is not much time, I can help both of you get out of the temple but first you must do something for me."

"Like what?"Michael asked.

MEICOOMON'S RETURN Where stories live. Discover now