Beca pushed her off after she tried to deepen the kiss in front of everyone, especially Chloe.

"What are you doing? What was that about?" Beca asked stepping back from her girlfriend.

"I'm gonna miss you and wanted to give you a proper goodbye kiss" she said innocently.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Beca said before her and Chloe got into the redheads car and left.

"She doesn't like me much does she?" Chloe asked with a small laugh.

"She's thinks I'm gonna leave her for you" Beca said with an eye roll.

"Why?" Chloe asked.

"Because I spend a lot of time with you and apparently I talk about you a lot which I didn't even know I did." Beca said and Chloe blushed.

"She'll get over it eventually?" Chloe suggested and the brunette just shook her head.

"Probably not. If it keeps going like this our relationship might end soon" Beca huffed.

"Don't end your relationship because of me" Chloe said.

"Remember the promise I made you before I asked her out? You come before any relationship I might get involved in and that still stands. If she can't accept my best friend then she doesn't deserve to be in my life" Beca said as they pulled up to Chloe's house.

"Well at least give her some time or at least a warning before you go ending things because of me" Chloe said getting out of the car.

"She's already had her warning" Beca said following.

Chloe decided to change the subject off of Beca's girlfriend.

"Are you ever gonna show me your wolf form?" Chloe asked.

"Well it's a possibility because I got my bloodlust under control but I don't want you to be scared of me" Beca said shyly.

"I won't be scared of you, nothing could scare me away from you" Chloe said stopping and taking Beca's hand.

"Okay, I'll show you it, let's just get away from the houses" Beca said leading them towards the woods.

"I'm so excited." Chloe squealed.

"Calm down Beale it ain't that big a deal" Beca said as they entered the woods.

"But it is! My best friends a wolf and she's finally showing me" Chloe said excitedly.

"Okay you ready?" Beca asked taking a few steps back from Chloe.

"Yep" Chloe said nodding her head making Beca chuckle.

Beca took a few more steps back before closing her eyes and shifting into her wolf. She was a beautiful grey wolf and Chloe was in awe.

"This is so cool" Chloe whispered.

Beca trotted over and bowed her head to Chloe, allowing her to pet the wolf.

"You're so beautiful, and soft" Chloe said as she pet the wolf.

Beca just licked Chloe's face before stepping back and shifting into a human again.

"Happy now Beale? You got to see my wolf." Beca said with a smile.

"That was so cool" Chloe said.

"Alright then let's head up the tree" Beca said pointing to their treehouse.

Once both girls made it up they sat and talked for ages. About an hour later Beca's phone rings with Brittany's name. Beca groans before answering the phone.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I miss you baby come over" Brittany says.

"You know I'm spending the night with Chloe, don't try to pull that" Beca said sternly.

"She's stealing you from me! I don't like it!" Brittany yelled.

"Chloe's my best friend, If you can't respect that then I can't be with you" Beca said and caught Chloe's attention.

"She's a stuck up bitch who uses people for what she wants. She just uses you Beca can't you see that?!" She yells.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that. You've been here for two months. Two fucking months and you really think you know everything about everyone and I'm sick of it" Beca snapped.

Chloe could tell the brunette was getting angry. She shuffled over to sit closer to her and rub her shoulders.

"I'm your girlfriend! I should be the most important person in your life not her!" She yelled.

"Well maybe you're not my girlfriend anymore" Beca said.

"Why is she so damn important?" She asked.

"She's so important because she's been by my side through everything since day one. She's the one who told me to ask you out and that same night I made her a promise to never let any relationship between us. You're trying to wiggle yourself between us and mess up our friendship and I won't have that. We're done. Goodbye." Beca said hanging up.

"Movie and cuddle session?" Chloe asked shyly and Beca smiled at her.

"When Have I ever said no to you Red?" Beca asked standing up and helping her up too.

"When you became taken" Chloe joked and Beca laughed.

"Well I'm not taken anymore so I'm all yours Beale." Beca said as they left the treehouse.

They made their way back to Chloe's house laughing and joking the whole way. Once they made it to Chloe's room they watched movies and cuddled until both girls fell asleep.

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