Sword art online

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Name: Jilliana  st. Claire
Age: 17
Weight: (at start) 203llbs 
                ( later down) 145lbs

Nationality : French

Hobbies : fenching, archery

Favourite weapon/s: bow and arrow , rapier, guns.

Bio: jilliana's father is  the CEO of a major game company and the moved from Paris to Tokyo as the company was  working along with the company that created sword art online .

Jilliana had always struggled with her weight and was bullied a lot. She was being picked on when kazuto kirigaya ( kirito) came to her rescue.

The two became instant friends and  them she developed a crush on her best friend and they were beta testers of SAO together and were two of the many players who got trapped in SAO.

Allergies: peanuts
Pets: a fire ferret / red panda named miku.
          White wolf named viper ( in game)

Crush: kirito.

Extra: plays bass guitar and  love's white roses

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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