Best day of our lives (link x pit)

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I couldn't believe it.
Was this really happening? Was I gonna wake up in my bed at any second now?
I pinched my wrist, my fingers tucking under the arm of my suit.
I guess it was for real.
I was standing at the front of the room, surrounded by friends and family, wearing a suit that my best friend Zelda made for me just for this occasion. It wasn't the best looking suit, but It was perfect.
I tucked my sweaty hands into my pockets, blushing as i waited for my lover to come out of the door at the other side of the room.
Speaking of my love, here he was now.
The doors pushed open to reveal all the young angels and hylians we've appointed to be the flower children. They scattered rose petals everywhere. And by everywhere, I mean everywhere. Not just in the isles. Two little boys even started throwing them at eachother. Eventually they scattered off and made way for who was approaching next.
He truly was an angel, and today he wasn't one bit more beautiful then always. His brown hair was as messy as usual, after failed attempts to slick it back he gave up I guess, but his golden laurel was replaced by a flower wreath around his head. He was dressed in a more formal tunic then usual, and it was gathered at the top by a clip and cascaded down his back like a waterfall, trailing behind him at his feet like a cape with a golden and red trim at the end. He was barefoot, with flowers wrapped around his ankles and wrists. He carried a bundle of assorted blossoms, his ocean blue eyes holding their familiar playful shimmer.
I couldn't help but inwardly gasp at him. He was so amazing.
As he approached me slowly, I smiled at him. He smiled back, stopping and standing at my side.
We both turned to the women behind us, who had long green hair and a white dress and gold staff. I didn't know her too well, but I knew her as the goddess Palutena. I ran my hand nervously though my dirty blonde hair and looked warmly at my love as Palutena began speaking.
"Friends, family, we are gathered here to celebrate a true love like no other. Bound by the words and promises of each other, they will embark on the adventure known as life, standing side by side as they face all the challenges and victories."
She turned to my love, placing a hand on his shoulder as he looked up at her.
"This brave warrior, known as Pit to most of us, has served me well as my servant and Captain of my royal guard. He has saved us all multiple times from the wrath of Hades and the Underworld Army, and I give him permission to take the hand of his lover and began his next quest, of life, love, and passion."
Pit smiled and Palutena turned to me.
"This true hero," she began, placing a hand on my shoulder as she did with Pit, "known by the name of Link, deserves this as much as Pit does. He has fought uncountable quests and battles for his Princess and everyone else. He has Defeated the darkness countless times, and me and Princess Zelda give him the honor of stepping alongside Pit and taking his place in his quest."
She stepped back. "You may now recite your vows"

Me and Pit turned to each other and grabbed our hands, beginning to speak at the same time
"You first" I whispered.
Pit blushed and pulled out a piece of paper from on the inside of his tunic and unfolded it. He cleared his throat and began.
"Ever since I first laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me." He said shyly. "Everything about you is perfect, from your personality to your shimmering eyes. Honestly, before I met you I would've never thought of myself falling for another man, but I don't regret any of it. On the day you confessed your love to me, I became the happiest angel in the universe. And when you proposed to me, I didn't know what I felt. You had already made all of my dreams come true, but now, with that last bar set, I felt as though I was floating in an ocean of my love for you, with you right beside me. I love you so much, Link, please be by my side for the rest of our lives."
I felt a tear of pure happiness run down my check and drip onto my shoe. I pulled out the small notepad from my pocket and flipped through the pages.
"Pit," I began
"P for pure happiness, I for indestructible joy and energy, and T for True Love, you have always been my angel. Through all the rough times and good times. You helped me through them. And I'm so happy I will be spending the rest of my life with you, I can't even imagine loving anyone other then you. These vows may be short, But they are also sweet, like you. You are everything to me, Pit. And I love you way to much to ever have anything break us apart."
I saw his eyes water as I tucked the notepad back into my pocket. He nodded to me, letting a droplet fall down his perfect porcelain skin, and disappear off if his face. We turned as we heard the pitter patter of tiny legs, and we saw a young angel with light blonde hair and big blue eyes, looking about 3 or 4, run up with the two rings in a box.
Pit took one of the rings, the one with the green accents and the ever-so-familiar Triforce in the center. He smiled at the little angel and pat his head, before turning to me and grabbing my hand.
He slid the ring on my finger, speaking just barely over a whisper
"Take this ring as a symbol of our everlasting love. It represents how we will never fade away from each other, and as long as we are together. Nothing can stop us."
I ran my fingers lightly over the smooth surface, smiling at Pit.
I took the other ring, the one with blue accents and his signature Bow and Arrow symbol, and took his hand in mine. I slid the ring slowly over his ring finger, meeting the silver and blue pearl ring, his engagement ring, at the base. I looked into his eyes, not letting go of his hand.
"This ring represents my love to you, Pit. You see how it goes around in a circle, and never ends? That's how I feel to you. And I don't plan to change that. Ever. And let our love for each other be everlasting, and don't you ever forget that I love you with all my heart."
Palutena smiled warmly. "Captain Pit Icarus, do you take Link to be your loftily wedded husband? And to care and nurture him when in need? And to never stop loving him, even one little bit?"
He blushed "I do, Lady Palutena. I truly do."
Palutena turned to me next.
"Link," she began.
I hadn't want to use an elaborate full name like Pit did. In fact, I didn't have one.
"Do you take Pit to be your loftily wedded husband? And to care and nurture him when in need? And to never stop loving him, no matter what happens?"
I breathed deep.
"I do"
Palutena whispered into my ear
"In that case, you may now kiss your angel."
"Thank you" I replied. She stepped back and I placed one hand on Pits cheek, pulling him closer as I closed my eyes.
We heard everyone cheering and laughing the moment our lips connected. I slowly pulled away from him and smiled. Pit then couldn't hold all his emotions in anymore, because he then began to loudly sob tears of joy and happiness, and hugged me tightly, burying his head into my neck.
I was a married man now. And I didn't want it any other way.
"I....I love you so much Link..." Pit eventually said softly into my ear. I stroked the space in between his wings and kissed his cheek softly
"I love you too, Pit. Forever and always."

(Waaaa this is adorable! (^∇^)
And yes, that little angel with the rings did also appear in Promotion. I guess you could say that he's like my O.C. Kind of. His name is Ben.
Have any ideas for one shots? Any pairing from kid icarus, smash bros, happy tree friends, hetalia, or mlp is fine)

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