Alright princess, I'm going to recall the answers you said during the time you described Prince Hans to kristoff in correct order and the way you remember.

Lastname: of the southern isles;
Favorite food: Sandwiches;
Best Friend's name: probably John;
Eye color: Dreamy;
What's his foot size: Foot size doesn't matter;
and lastly on kristoff's comment about the way hans's picks his nose and eats it: Excuse me sir, he is a prince.

To which kristoff retorted that all men do it ending you disgusted. Is it all correct? (Y/N) said leaving me and kristoff flabbergasted, Elsa and Olaf amazed but holding their laughter while venrich rolling on the floor laughing. (Y/N) just sighed then standing up and ready to leave.

We are you going? Elsa said

I stand corrected... Well its been fun and all, but i must retire early today so I can start on the paperwork tomorrow. Thank you again your Majesty and good evening. (Y/N) said then leaving the room.

Did we do something to offend her? I asked a bit worried.

Venrich should we be worried about her mind reading abilities? Why do you seem relax about it... Kristoff said

No... It's just her way of showing that she is very embarrassed. Her mind reading effects only lessen when she build a sort of trust to the other. You can say, it's her body's magical defense system specially being put to a new environment. Since i've been her assistant for a "while" now, that's why I'm already immune to it. Might as well check up on her. Good night everyone. Venrich said recovering from his laughing fit then leave to catch up with (Y/N).

That was something. Well Elsa, we know that there's more people just like you and you are not alone. I said assuring her.

Yes Anna, I hope they can help us and this kingdom. Elsa said


Elsa's POV
The following day, after my usual meeting with the council. It's time to do the paperwork. (Sigh) a queen's duty is never done. While reading the first file, a knock sounded across the room and it's coming from the door. I answered then (Y/N) entered with a few parchments at hand.

Good afternoon your Majesty. I was wondering if I would like to have a word with you right now if you have the time. (Y/N) said slightly bowing. Seeing her every now and then is quite pleasing. It's like her quietness and presence is relaxing to be with. My thoughts were refocused when (Y/N) notice my unfocused state and made a sound by clearing her throat.

Oh-of course (Y/N), what would you like to discuss about. I said

It is about my terminal report on your request for our assistants. I concluded that the best option is on this report and needed to be informed my superior on this. I would like you to review it in hope of your approval. (Y/N) said as she hand me the parchments and read them over.

Moments later...

So the conclusion to all of this is that our Kingdom will enter the Union to solve our alliance problem. I said

Yes but there are somethings to be settled before a country would be consider in entering the Union. It may also differ depending on the country's situation. So will you agree considering on what ever the task they will give you. (Y/N) said

It's for the kingdom's sake. I will do it but as long as that there will be no one will be harmed or forced into. I said ready to sign the papers.

You may also write your conditions below. (Y/N) said

I wrote my conditions, signing it and handed them all to (Y/N). She reread it and nod in confirmation.

Before I send this your majesty, I would like to add a sample of your magic by making a small ice marble for magical examination purposes.  (Y/N) said and I comply to her request. Then putting the ice marble on my desk for her to get. Remembering her magical sensitivity.

By tomorrow evening, we might know the results. (Y/N) said getting the marble.

Romarion is quite far, delivering items here and vice-versa takes weeks. How will we know the results that fast. I said skeptic on sending the letter.

With this... (Y/N) said then suddenly the parchments in her hands moved then begin to transform into a paper bird. She gave the ice marble to the bird then it flew out to the window.

That's one way on how we send letters. Thank you for your time your Majesty. (Y/N) said giving a bow then leaving the room. Leaving me amazed on the magic that just transpired.

She never sees to amaze me...

The Snow Queen's Royal MageWhere stories live. Discover now