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I know
I know my love
What my reports say,
That I'll be dust before upcoming dawn
And that I'll leave you alone
But trust me,
I don't want to, never I dreamt
But I don't have a choice to select
My body's hollowing inside
And I've turned soggy
It's not a pretty sight to see
But still,
You're here to hold my hand
When they inject chemicals into me
A last chance to save me? It's futile
I make you promise
as my heart quickens it's pace
That you'll give yourself another chance
But you still deny
Claiming I'll never fade
Pleading to leave my side is not effective
I want you to find someone I whisper
Better than me while I smile
And make our dreams
A reality as life flashes before my eyes
To have a Rendezvous by the woods
And raise our kids
The dream of forever..
Maybe keep a piece of me?
I smile as he wails
Don't worry it's not a pain anymore
Be happy as I can't dream
Love as I succumb to darkness
Farewell as the beats slow
Counting the breaths
You'll be happy my love
I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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