Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

He tossed you unceremoniously to the floor and you instantly shuffled backwards until your back met the cave wall. You looked at your surroundings, surprised to see that it was lightly furnished with the bare necessities someone would need; a plush bedroll, a pile of clothes, a basin for water and some lanters. It was much more than you expected a monster such as him to have.

You heard his heavy foot prints pad across the floor, sharp nails clicking against stone. He walked over to your broom and basket, which he'd also tossed on the ground, and started rooting through your bag.

"W-What are you going to do to me?" You asked, voice quaking as you waited in anticipation.

"Whatever I feel like," He mumbled, shoving the baked goods you'd been carrying into his large mouth. He grunted in satisfaction as he ate, and you wanted to protest but decided against it. He finished them and used his furry arm to wipe of his snout, turning another time to stare you down intently.

"I am in need of a healer." He admitted, stalking closer to you.

"A- a healer?" You asked in surprise.

"Yes, a healer. Do you not listen?" He spat, crouching down to look at you at face level.

"S-sorry..." You mumbled, pressing yourself further against the wall of the cave.

"Can you do that, then? Heal?"

"I- yes. I can. I can heal people."

"Good. Then you will heal me in the morning." He decided.

"In the morning? Why not now?" You asked.

"Patience, woman," He snarled. "It can't be done when the moon is high. You will wait with me tonight until morning. Then you will heal me and be free to leave."


The word made your hopes feel higher than they had in the past hour. You just had to heal this monster and you'd be free. You could survive one night, you knew you could.

"Unless, that is, I decide to eat you instead. You do smell delectable," He growled, closing the distance between you and shoving his snout into the crook of your neck. You cried out in surprise, trying to push him away with trembling hands. His strong shoulders didn't budge as he sniffed you up and down. He licked up the side of your neck with his hot tongue and you felt like gagging as you whimpered, wishing that it would be over and that he would leave you be until the morning.

"The nights are long and lonesome, however. Until morning you will entertain me."

"Entertain you?" You started, closing your legs as tightly as you could. "What do you want me to do?"

"A magic trick. Tell me a story. Do something and I just might reward you," the blonde monster teased, his tackles laughter echoing about the walls of the cave. His blue eyes sparkled as he laughed and for a moment he almost looked human.

"I- um- I can tell you a story" you started, knowing full well that you were equally bad at story telling as you were at party tricks. Magic was serious business to you. You wouldn't insult yourself by wasting it on some beast.

"Good. Tell me the story while you pet me." He said, laying down on the hard ground in front of you.

"What??" You almost laughed at the absurdity of his request, but held your tongue.

"You heard me." He said, laying on the ground and stretching out before you. "Tell me a story as you pet me and maybe I will let you live until morning."

You swallowed and eyed his body, thick cords of muscle covered in a thick pelt of fur. It would only take the smallest amount of effort for him to kill you. You decided it would be best to indulge him in any of his weird requests so long as it meant you survived.

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