Telling the truth

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A/N Guess what? The 11th chapter! Not really cuz we had a lot of notes. Like a lot. So this may be only the 5th chapter. We don't know. We never count the chapters lol. So on with the story!!
-During dinner-
Mr. Berglund: So are you two in a relationship?
Kelli: That's what you wanted to talk about?!
Mr. Unger: Duh... Now spill.
Billy: (Whisper) Should we tell them?
Kelli: Yeah I think it's time we tell them.
Billy: Kay.
Mr. Unger: So, what were you talking about?
Mr. Berglund. Spill!
Billy: Fine, me and Kelli are dating.
Kelli: For about a month now.
Mr. Berglund: ?! How did you not tell us?!
Kelli: We thought you would be mad.
Mr. Unger: How could we?! We wanted you together for so long!
Billy: Well now you know.
Kelli: It feels so good telling them.
Billy: I know right.
Kelli: So. What do you want to do.
Billy: Our next anniversary is coming.
Kelli: No not that.
Billy: You wanna go to the mall.
Kelli: Yes! The mall!
Billy: (Groans) Why?
Kelli: Billy.
Billy: Yeah.
Kelli: Promise me.
Billy: Yeah.
Kelli: You would never leave me.
Billy: Kelli. I won't ever.
Kelli: Good. Cause you dated 4 girls and they thought you cheated on them.
Billy: I did not cheat on them!
Kelli: Whatever, promise me you will only look at me and not at other girls.
Billy: Kay I promise.
A/N Hey guys! We are so sorry this is a short chapter! We will only be doing one story now but another later cuz if our mum finds out we are still using our phones she would kill us! Anyway, bye!


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