A unexpected coincidence

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Kelli: OMG! Billy! You got us tickets for Ariana Grande's new movie!!! I can't believe you! Your the best thing that happened to me! (Hugs Billy)
Billy: Oh don't thank me, thank my dad. He paid for the tickets and they were sooooo expensive.
Kelli: Hey don't say the soooooo..... That's my word! Or thing! Whatever!
Billy: Ok beautiful. Besides what are you going to do anyway?
Kelli: Hmm... I won't kiss you until next two weeks.
Billy: No no I'm sorry. For whatever I did. What did I do anyway?
Kelli: You seriously want that?
Billy: No I would never want that.
Kelli: Okay, whatever.
Kelli: That was an awesome movie.
Billy: I know, what's your favorite part?
Kelli: The part where Ariana says "What's that suppose to mean?!"
Billy: Alright now do you wanna go home or hang out?
Kelli: How about you take me to Starbucks?
Billy: Why do you want Starbucks?
Kelli: I need coffee...
Billy: Okay, I will drive you there.
Billy: Kelli! We're home!
Kelli: Okay, but shouldn't I have my goodnight kiss?
Billy: (Kisses Kelli) Night beautiful.
Kelli: Night handsome.
Billy: Wait!
Kelli: What?
Billy: What's Olivia and Leo doing there?
Kelli: Not sure?
Billy and Kelli: (Walks to them)
Billy: Hey guys what are you doing here?
Olivia: Duh me and Leo are dating? We just saw Ariana's new movie.
Kelli: No way! We saw it too!
Olivia: Are you guys dating or something?
Kelli: Liv? Can I talk to you? Alone?
Billy: Leo? Can I talk to you?
Kelli: You can't tell anyone about this.
Olivia: Okay why?
Kelli: Me and Billy are secretly dating since we are too young.
Olivia: Seriously?! You are adults!
Kelli: I know, but we gotta wait till we are 20 to tell our family.
Olivia: Okay well I will keep it a secret.
Kelli: Thanks.
Leo: What was that all about?
Billy: What was that all about?
Leo: Me and Liv are secretly dating okay?
Billy: My god! Same here!
Leo: You need to keep it a secret.
Billy: You too.
Leo: Kay, thanks pal.
Billy: I am an expert at keeping secrets.
Leo: Oh! There goes the bragging!
A/N So? How was the chapter? Good? Bad? Long? Short? Comment down below if you want us to post another chapter today which we sure would because our schedule is wide open!

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