Exploring pt1

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Your Pov

You refreshed the page over and over again. "This freaking slow connection!" You bang your fists on the table in frustration but a notification sound had you sitting straight up.

Sam and colby are having a giveaway and the winners of the giveaway will get their new book "Paradise Island." The book will be signed by them also! So even if you don't win you're still winning technically.

In the book for the lucky fan will be an envelope stating that they have won a trip with Sam and colby! They will be featured in their new youtube series.

You sigh as you scroll through the 10 winners. "I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up so high.." Just as you were about to close the laptop you read the tenth person. @Y/n/L/N
You freeze up. You read your name over and over in shock. You let out a inhumane squeal of joy.

You hurry up and text Sam and Colby your address to get the book. Even if you don't win a trip with them you will at least have gotten a signed copy of the book from Sam and Colby themselves!! After you text them and finish rolling around your room and jumping up and down on your bed you began to grab your snacks to binge all their old 3am challenges and your old favourite videos of them.

"Jake get back in the basement.." You let out a loud laugh. Corey's hilarious! You thought to yourself.


You pause your video and look at the text you've got.

Sam and colby

Hey! We've shipped out your book! It should be there in 5-10 days. We wish you luck~ <3

You read over the message and smile. You were for sure going to stay a fan and support them. You give them a thank you message and began to prepare for bed.

You do all the essential things and began to stare off into space. You were beyond excited for that package. You couldn't even sleep. Just as you say that you feel your eyes began to get heavy. You accept this and fall asleep.

Authors note

Hello hello! I am honestly lacking motivation in this book- I know not many people read it so it wouldn't be that much of a impact if I delete it. But I mean I think I'll keep it up to look back when I get better with writing lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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