Sweet Sound☽38☾

Start from the beginning

Isabel perked up when she heard movement and she lifted her head to see Jackson standing at the doorway of Hopes nursery.

"Hey." She smiled wearily feeling exhausted from putting Rose down and trying to get Hope to quiet down. "What's up?"

Jackson smiled and walked over to take Hope from her as he noticed how tired she was getting. He cradle her in his arms and looked down at Hope as he snuggled her against his chest and spoke quietly to the young child. "Hey, come here." He looked up to Isabel. "Aiden's back. We lost Jerick."

Isabels mouth parted slightly in shock at the news. "What? What happened?" She asked as Hope started to peacefully slip into her nap.

"Mikael got him." Jackson spoke somberly.

Isabel sighed in disbelief and sadness. "Another one of my wolves..." she muttered to herself as she paced slightly before stopping and looking at her husband. "Jack, I am so sorry."

Jackson continued rubbing Hope's back soothingly as he rocked her.

"Thing is, we could have lost a lot more, but Aiden and Hayley played it right. Kept 'em scattered instead of grouped. Smart move." He admitted, proud of one of his pack members but disappointed in himself.

"Well, they learned from you."

"Did they? It's not what I told them to do. My way would have all been a slaughter," Jackson told her in frustration.

"Sweet sound of silence." She noted as she tried to help his mind drift from the topic that seemed to sadden him. She looked at Hope who curled her fist to her mouth and slept soundly in the Alphas arms.

"I did tell you I'm good with kids didn't I?" He asked softly, looking at Isabels blue eyes with a twinkle in his.

Jackson gently placed Hope down in the new crib he finished for her while Isabel watched to make sure she was okay.

"You know." The she-wolf spoke up quietly, looking back up at her husband. "You never made me feel ashamed about being a hybrid, or questioned why I had to lie to you about Hope and Rose. And you've never given me a reason to not trust you. And I want to thank you for being there. And being so kind to me."

Jackson shifted to face her and he smiled gently. "Well, I told you- I love you. And I meant it." He cupped her jaw and kissed her forehead softly.

"I don't deserve you." She mumbled, closing her eyes and enjoying the peaceful moment. "You're to good to me."

"You do deserve it Isabel." He told her with a tone that told her not to argue about it. "You've been through a whole hell of a lot and you need some kindness to balance it out."


Klaus smiled as he doted on Hope, who laid awake in her crib, looking peaceful.

"You can thank Jackson for the quiet." Isabel whispered as she came up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it slightly.

Klaus smile fell a little bit at the news but he quickly recovered and turned to look at her. "I have some things I need to talk to you about."

"Okay..." She looked down at Hope and kissed her fingertips before placing it on the babies head and smiling at her baby. She then turned around and followed Klaus out. "So what is it?"

Klaus started telling her about finally meeting Freya before saying that Finn was taken care of.

"However, there are other dangers on the horizon. My father is on the loose. I need you to use your pack to find him."

"Nik, I'm sorry. But I can't do that." She shook her head. "I'm not risking my packs safety when it's not needed. If you need help come to me and I will help but not them."

"It's not safe for the children with him running about, Bel." He argued. "I need more then just you."

"Mikael is a threat to you. Their job is to protect Hope and Rose from your mother, father, brother and whoever hell else wants to take them away and finally live like wolves. My job is to fight for you guys, keep my babies safe, and help run the pack. So as I said if you need help come to me. Are we clear?"

His teeth gritted slight but he nodded. "We're clear."

She smiled slightly. "Come on don't pout. Hope is safe and we've taken care of Mikael before. We can do it again."


"In every moment, a choice exists. We can cling to the past, or embrace the inevitability of change."

Jackson and Isabel laid in bed with Hope sleeping on her stomach on Isabel's chest and Rose sleeping on her back in between the couple.

"And allow a brighter future to unfold for us."

Freya hung up her talisman from a hook on the ceiling, and smiled as she touched the pendant with her fingers.

"Such an uncertain future may cause for even more uncertain allies."

Andrew and Davina sat in a room sifting through the many witch books with tons of pages already scattered on the bed and the floor.

"Either way, a new day is coming, whether we like it or not. The question is, will you control it, or will it control you?"

 The question is, will you control it, or will it control you?"

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