"I belong at the top, but I just don't get why we need to make it a big deal. Where's the equality in this world?" She said and took a bite of her starter.

"I know right?" I said and copied her.

"So, what's the plan?" I look at her confuse. "What should you do now? About this situation, I mean."

"Me? Why just me?"

"I'm sorry, but I've been giving my parents enough disappointment with this arrange marriage stuff two times in a row and I don't want to do it again, so I'm counting on you." She said and wink at me.

"What a wicked woman." I tease making her giggle.

"Well, you can't change our minds. Seeing the two of you get along so well means we made the right choice pairing the two of you." We both jump at my father's voice and we immediately stood up.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, it's nice to meet you." Anna greeted politely. My mom look at her in awe and hug her.

"It's so nice to finally meet you dear, please just call me Edith." My mom said after separating herself from Anna.

"Okay Edith." She said and smile before looking at dad and offer her hand. "Hello sir."

"Please, just Frederick." My dad said and shook her hands. I already met her family earlier so I just nod and smile at them. My sister, who is so shy around new people despite being twenty one, is hiding slightly behind dad before she move closer to Anna and offer her hand.

"H-hi, I'm Ella Parsons. George's sister." Anna said hello and shook her hand.

"We'll leave the two of alone and George, be sure to get Anna home safe and sound." I nodded to my dad and we all bid our goodbyes' before me and Anna sat back down.

"We were busted even before our plan, or should I say your plan goes to motion."

"Where did they even come from? How come we didn't notice?" I ask and she just shrug before started eating again. "Now that they know, we no longer have an escape to this." What am I going to do?

"You can always go and marry her." She suggested.

"I already ask her to marry me two times and she refuse." I told her honestly. My ego hurts just remembering about it, I never did it again after that.

"Well, you either marry her or be force to marry me."

"What about you? Can't you think of something?"

"Sorry, I'm already twenty five and my parents are desperate for me to settle down as if twenty five is already old." Both of us fell silent as we both think that there's no escaping this anymore. We finish eating in silence before we decided to go, I was about to pay when the lady told us that our food has already been paid. As we exit the restaurant we bump into my very friend, William and his wife.

"George? What are you doing here?" He ask and look at Anna.

"What do you think I'm doing in a place like this William?" I ask sarcastically. I look at Anna, who smiled at them. "This is Anna, my friend who I met to have lunch with. Anna, this is my friend William and his wife, Kate." They all shook hands before pulling me a little further from the ladies, who started talking.

"That's Anna Rowthorn right?" I nodded. "Why are you guys having lunch? Don't tell me you're friends, because I know you're not." He warned.

"My parents did it again." I simply said and I know he'll get it immediately.

"Damn. You ran out of excuses that's why you're here?" I nodded and walk back to where the ladies are, as I got nearer, I can hear what they're talking about.

"I love your clothes you know? I buy most of my clothes from your boutiques." Kate said enthusiastically. "You recognize this dress right?"

"Yes, I actually design it myself." Anna admitted.

"Yes, I ask one of your sales lady about it. This is one of my favorites! I love the design, the fabric and it's so comfortable to wear." Kate twirl around.

"Oh thank you, that makes me happy." Anna said and blush.

"What are you ladies talking about?" William ask as he wrap his arms around his wife's waist.

"I just told her how much I love their clothes. Can I have a picture with you?" She look at Anna pouting.

"Okay, sure." Kate squeals and ask William to take picture as she hug Anna.

"Okay, we need to get going before it starts to rain. See you guys later." I said and lead Anna to my car after she bid her goodbyes' to them. When I open the door, the sky lit up as the lightning strike and I notice Anna stood there, pale as white. "Anna?" I called, but she didn't even show a sign that she heard me. "Anna?" I called again and this time touch her shoulder and I just then notice that she was trembling. I made her face me and she look at me with so much fear in her eyes, when the thunder booms, she pass out.

What just happened? Is it the lightning? The thunder? I lift her up and sat her down on the passenger seat before dialing William's number.


"I'm still outside, come this instant." I said and hang up. Just seconds later and William is now in front of me.

"What happened?" He ask, still not noticing Anna.

"It's Anna, she passed out."


"I don't know, I think it was the lightning and thunder just now." I explain as he examine her.

"It's probably Astraphobia." He said he's done the examination and by examination I mean checking her pulse and her eyes, you know doctor stuff. "She'll be fine, though when she wake up tell her to call me. I can help." He said and gave me one of his calling card.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm a psychologist, trust me."

"I don't need to bring her to the hospital?" I'm just making sure.

"No, just let her rest. Can I go back to my wife now?" He said and tap my shoulder.

"Yeah, thanks Will." He just nodded and went back inside the restaurant. I close the door before getting in the driver's side and started driving towards her house. How do I know where she lives, you may ask? I've been there a couple of times for parties, but never once did we bump into each other.

Anna's house is only thirty minutes away, I park my car outside before going around her side and pick her up. I rang the doorbell and waited only a minute before her brother open the door, he look at me before looking at his sister.

"Anna!?" He called and pick her up from my arms. "I'm sorry for the trouble George and thank you, would you like to come in? I'll just put her to bed."

"It's okay, there's somewhere I need to go to. And this" I hand him William's calling card. "My friend is a Psychologist and this is his calling card. I'll get going." I said and return to my car.

I've got some explaining to do.



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