Box popping germans vs Aydria

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The world was exploded into tiny particles that were floating in space. But wait! There was one thing that was way too big to be exploded. That would be Brendon Urie's forehead. The almighty forehead was just floating around in space until it's magical powers brought the earth and everyone who was on it back. Then when the world was back they decided Aydria needed to be punished for exploding the world. The box popping germans decided to make their way to Aydria. Meanwhile Jamie, Evie, and Shrek were watching twilight of the cream gods on tv. As they were watching the creamiest scene Shrek got horny again and put his left hand on Jamie's thigh and his right on Evie's, earning him a slap from each person.

"Shrek you need to control your horniness" Jamie stated.

"I can't help it that scene was so creamy" Shrek said.

"WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP IM TRYING TO WATCH THE MOVIE" the homeless person said from inside the vent. Shrek got up to go smack the eyebrows off the homeless man but then he heard Evie shriek and he turned around.

"What was that about?" Shrek asked

"LOOK AT THE COMMERCIAL!" Evie yelled He turned around and saw a jojoatron on the TV.

"EWW WHAT IS THAT NONSEN.." Shrek yelled getting cut off by the load banging at the door. He walked up to the door to see who it was and to his surprise it was the box popping germans. "How may I help you bpg's?" Shrek asked.

"Have you seen Aydria? She exploded the world and we need her." The box popping germans asked.

"No I have not I'll let you know if I do." Shrek said.

"Okay thank you for your time" the box popping germans said then left. Shrek almost forgot about the homeless man living in his vents. He walked up to the vents and realized the homeless man was actually Aydria. He ran to the door to try to catch the box popping germans but instead of box popping germans he saw Tyler Joseph. Tyler was flipping out because MCR was back and he made a deal with CrankThatFrank that if they came back he would give him 1 million dollars, but he needs the money because Jenna is pregnant.
Tyler didn't know what to do.

What's he gonna do? Idk I guess you have to wait till I feel like writing part 3 or until premiumuries  or urieally_odd  hackle me to write another one 🤷‍♀️ but if you want part 3 vote pls and go check out the jashby fic.

Shrevia Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora