~Chapter 3

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Amira was still asleep when I woke up. It was loud as hell outside. I looked outside my window and saw Jordan all up on Zaquan. He was touching that ass and I know he was enjoying it. Jordan reached into her bra and pulled out some gum. She put it in her mouth and started smacking. I texted her phone from the house and she looked at the message in disgust. She didn't bother to reply back. What did I do wrong? I stayed at the window and watched everything. Some group of girls walked up to Jordan and started talking shit. "You on the wrong turf sweetheart." she said to Jordan. Jordan looked her up and down and pushed her. "Bitch, you better get the fuck out my face before you get your ass whooped. Straight up!" She looked at her and ran off, along with the other girls behind her. When I say that Jordan don't play with nobody, she don't. She don't play about anything. She can make money and get niqqas. She was fired up and it took her a while come down. I didn't want to get in the business. She's my best friend but today she's not acting like I'm not hers. I woke up Amira and told her to get dressed. We lived in the projects and I'm glad that what happened yesterday didn't get around the hood. Everybody's business gets out in the hood and you don't want that to happen. I was trying to get somewhere in life and not live in the projects for long. We walked out the house and walked to the store with Amira by side to get groceries. We turned the corner and saw Richard. He was so nice to me when I was a child and I love to return the favor. "Hey Cyan. How you doin' young lady?" he said to me. "I'm doing fine Richard", I said. "Who is this little lady", he asked me, looking at Amira. "This is Amira. Amira say hi to the nice man", I told her. She waved at him and got behind me, feeling scared. We said bye and walked to the store. Jordan looked at me and walked away. I didn't care really. She followed me in the store and stopped me." You really want to know why I read your message and didn't reply?" she asked me. I really did want to know why but I acted like I didn't. "Yeah, sure", I said back not giving a care in the world. "Look. You've been gone for three weeks and didn't tell me where you were going and then you text me saying that you're in the house! You had me worried!" she said looking upset. I wanted to tell her what happened with Mr. Scott and I but I just couldn't tell her. So I made up a lie. "See, my phone had been off for the longest and I didn't come to school 'cause I went out of town. This is my little sister, Amira", I explained to her. She said hey to Amira and looked at me like she was confused. I was glad that was over but I didn't like keeping secrets from her at all. Cymphonique, Jade and Jasmine are apart a girl group called the P.P (pure pats). It's like they get money by fucking with different men. I don't understand why. They're ratchet as hell. I was outside, sitting on the porch and the P.P walked up to me. I didn't know what they want or who they looking for. Cymphonique, the leader spoke first. "You want to be in the pure pats? We can change you from a good girl to naughty chick real quick", she asked me. I said NO. They walked away and yelled: "You know you want to be in the group like the rest of these hoes!". I really didn't. I'm a virgin and I like to stay that way. A few hours passed by and Jordan came to my house saying that she's in the pure pats. How's that even possible? I asked her how and she said that they walked up to her and asked her. She always wanted to join their group and do freaky things. That was none of my business but that did kind of made me jealous and mad at the same time. She has new friends now and that means she don't want to be my best friend no more. And 'cause she know she don't do that bull. She doesn't know them like I know her. I told her that I was happy for her and told her to keep her head in them books.

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