Chapter four: The nest

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My eyes were burning in the heat, but I barely felt it, I was so shocked by the sight I saw. Where my comrades had just stood, the Dragon Mother had laid everything to ashes. Charred corpses, which I had called my friends, were still glowing in the field. I looked around in panic. I had to take cover! Quickly!

Then my eyes fell on the dragon's nest next to me. Without further ado I jumped in and ducked between the dragon eggs, which were just high enough to hide me. Screams sounded from all sides as the dragon rebelled and roared.

Carefully I looked out of my hiding place between the eggs, in the vague hope that one of my comrades could help me or at least had an idea how the few of us who were still alive could escape from the dragon.

The smoke around you seems to have cleared. You are creating new hope. Maybe the helpers below can see you now. Slowly and carefully, to avoid reaching loose ground again, you go to the edge of the building. And indeed! You see the helpers downstairs! And if you can see them, they should be able to see you too. "Hello," you shout unnecessarily, because it's still much too loud for anyone to hear you. "Hello," you keep trying, waving your arms like crazy. In vain!

It still takes a felt eternity until a man with a camera finally looks up and spies at you on the roof. Full of relief you wave on, with your book in your hand.

The man is holding up a piece of paper with letters written in such capital letters that you can still read them even from that distance. "WAIT", is written on the sign and just below it in a slightly smaller font: "We are coming!

You can hardly believe your luck and are fascinated to see some firefighters on their way to the inside of the shopping centre. Enthusiastically you run to the door, jump up and down for joy and can hardly wait to see the firemen at last. Should you run towards them? No, "WAIT!" had been written on the sign. In capital letters, so that was probably important. Sighing, you look at the book in your hand. Will the hero in your book also feel better?

You look down the stairs, but still can't recognize anyone. Where are they? That's why you decide to spend your waiting time with your book.

But instead of my comrades, I only saw him. The holy, golden breath of the dragon. It rose up around me like clouds of smoke.

"How cool," you think and imagine all the smoke around the roof being golden.

I was more than impressed and a little scared at the same time. Because even as a very young child I got to hear the stories of the ominous power of dragon breathing.

My feeling did not deceive me. As soon as the dark thought had been thought through, there was suddenly an enormous explosion. Everything that had previously been covered by the dragon's breath caught fire instantly! Only the nest with the dragon eggs, which had to be fireproof, remained intact. Only the nest in which I sat.

Suddenly. A bang! A shock. Fearfully you look down the stairs. And see how a huge jet of flame comes towards you!

Translated with

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