Part 1

719 17 14

12 AM

Night 1

The door swung open with a loud creak that echoed through the empty building.

I sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and closing the door behind me as I entered Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. A single light lit up the hall, and flickered eerily. 

I’d never liked this place even in daylight, when my parents brought my brother here for his birthday every year. It was even creepier at night. I didn’t want to take this probably illegally-low-paying job, but there were no other places hiring in town, and I wanted the new Pokemon game more than I needed oxygen. So here I was, the new night security guard at Freddy’s.

My footsteps were the only sound as I walked through the halls, soon finding my way to the security room. There were two doorways into it, both lacking actual doors. I raised an eyebrow as I entered the dimly lit room. Why wouldn’t there be any doors?

Blowing it off, I dropped my bag on the crowded desk beside the fan, which blew cool air into the stuffy room. I sat down in the rolling desk chair, spinning in circles to get a three-sixty view of the room. It wasn’t much- small and crowded. But I noticed that beside each of the doorways was two buttons, one white and one red. 

Rolling up to the left one, I pushed the white button. A light in the hall flickered on, allowing me to see outside of the door. Well, at least it lit up the place a bit. It was ridiculously dark. 

Next I hit the red one. I nearly fell out of my chair as there was a groan of metal and a steel security door slammed down, barricading the doorway.

“What the hell would anyone need a door like this for?” I wondered aloud before pushing the button again, making the door re-open. “This gets weirder and weirder by the minute…”

I went back over to the desk, and discovered a pizza box with a note taped to the lid.

‘Good luck! And you have a limited amount of power, so only use the doors when you really need to.’ 

Well, that was freaky and mildly unnerving. Why would I even need to use the door? But the power reserve partially explained why the lighting was crap.

I opened the box, hoping for pizza, and was rewarded. 

“Hell yeah.” Pulling out a slice, I shoved half of it into my mouth in one bite. It was slightly cold and had way too much sauce for my liking, but I was hungry.

My mind wandered back to the power problem. I used my foot to push my chair back over to the left doorway, and I turned the light back off, plunging the hall back into pitch-black darkness.

Now, I needed to get to work. Beside the box sat the monitor for the security cameras. Picking it up, I turned it on. The screen lit up, and then I was looking at the ‘show stage’ through Camera 1A. There stood the animatronics, the main attraction of the pizza place. Bonnie, a purple rabbit, Chica, a yellow chicken with a ‘Let’s Eat!’ bib, and the mascot of the company, Freddy Fazbear.

I shuddered internally. If the robotic animals were creepy during the day, then they were flat out scary at night. The camera angle didn’t really catch their good side in the dark. Their mechanical mouths hung partially open, eyes staring at nothing.

Setting the monitor back down on the table, I ate another piece of pizza and questioned the logic of this even being a job. It wasn’t like anyone was going to break in and take the animatronics or something. 

I spun around in my chair a few times before going back to the monitor. Tapping the screen, I checked the dining room, backstage, the supply closet, the hall outside the bathrooms and Pirate Cove before going back to the stage. Nothing out of the ordinary anywhere. Not that I had expected anything different.

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