Sally Birthday Turned A Desarster (Capter 2)

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The first one to come was Lessa. (A/N Lisa, lesa lissa something like that. Its a Lessa but the 2nd s is small and I don't know if it's meant to be there and the e had an I in it so I'm confused.) Then came Alida and Elizabeth. Dion, Sally's boyfriend came to. Sally blushed when Dion came.(A/N *smirk*) Sharon came Jaly-Leean came Cindy came Tammi came Juily came Milisa came. Ben came Emily-Kate came Jennifer came Kate came Jakiwobn came Tracky came Kren came Kreen came Denes came Merty came Amanda came (A/N maybe with a pancake?) Kym came Anita came Naomi came Pstrisha came Sasha came Darran came Mary came Jane came two thay all said happy happy birthday too her. Then thay said what a bultful day to have a blirthday and sudnly it started to rain salg said "oh no" "do not start to rain now" but it did not help it rained and rained Sally was misrabal all day she did not want to play any games so all the people went home. Sally was even more misrabal the next day it stopped out sine was floded Sally said "it is all your falt rain I hate rain" her mum said I beg your parden.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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