A Kiss For Eternity

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Jada pressed her tear-stained face into the pillow and clutched the vampire cape more tightly to her chest. Today would have been their fifteenth anniversary. They'd have celebrated like usual by going all-out decorating the house for Halloween, dressing up in their vampire costumes, then hitting a few friend's parties before coming back home to play their favourite game of succubus and victim.

As usual after a crying jag that took her to the cusp of sleep, she imagined she felt the pressure of Kyle pressing himself into her back.

"I've missed you so much," she whimpered.

Except this time, instead of being answered by silence, Kyle's deep timbre rumbled in her ear, "I've missed you too."

Jada's eyes popped open. Her body froze.

Completely awake now and heart pumping adrenaline through her system, there was no way to mistake the finger that moved aside a lock of hair that had fallen into her eyes.

Slowly she turned over, feeling without doubt the large familiar body that shifted to allow her space to do so.

"Hi baby," he said.

Jada screamed and scrambled backwards a foot.

Kyle was lounging on one propped up arm, his plaid shirt half unbuttoned revealing the silky covering of chest hair that even half-freaked out of her mind she wanted to caress with her fingers and lay her head on like she'd slept for so many years.

"You... This.... Kyle? Am I dreaming?"

He reached out and rubbed the back of his hand over her cheek to wipe away the lingering tears.

"No, Jada. I've been given reprieve for one night to come back and visit you."

Jada narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "That doesn't sound good. Reprieve from what?"

Kyle's lips tightened ever so slightly, but she'd been in love with him since they were five and knew his every nuance.

"We have until sun up. I don't want to waste a minute talking about that."

Deciding to just accept this as fact or delicious dream, Jada moved closer to her man and snuggled into his curved legs. She sighed inwardly when she put a hand on his warm abdomen and felt the steady beating of his heart. "But why have you come? I mean, I'm beyond thrilled you're here...I just didn't think such a thing was possible."

Kyle sat and cupped her face in his large hands. He'd always made her feel delicate and feminine even though she had the toned physique of a bodybuilder.

However, since his death eighteen months ago she hadn't competed and used the gym solely to release some of the overwhelming grief by pushing herself to lift more and more weight. The plus side was that she was in the best shape ever. Too bad she had no desire to do anything with it.

He pressed her back and shifted to lay on top of her. They smiled at their twin sighs of pleasure of finally being joined after being apart for so long.

He feathered kisses up her jawbone and nibbled her earlobe making her squirm in delight.

"Tell me why you haven't been competing. I can feel that you've never been stronger. You could sweep up at the finals this year."

The reminder of her crushing loss had tears immediately spring forth and spill over. However sweet this visit, it was a brief respite in the lonliness she faced for the rest of her life.

Kyle drew back to look at her and wiped tears from his lips where they'd rolled down to her ear where he'd been licking her.

Her voice hitched as she said, "I can't compete without you."

He smoothed the hair off her forehead. "Baby, you've proven that you can train without me. You can compete too. I've been watching you. Don't ask for details about how or why, but I have, and I always will be. So it's like I'm with you."


He stilled her lips with a gentle finger. "No excuses."

She relented and relaxed. He knew her so well.

"Jameson McTeague can coach you and help you compete. Baby, I need to see you go on without me. It will help me...endure."

"I can't do it without you!"

He shook his head. "You can. You're the strongest woman I know in every way. Competition is in your blood. Don't give it up. Then, one day, when you're ready, you'll find someone else too, because you have so much love to give."

They clung tightly to each other, crying and mourning their love that ended prematurely when a kid out joyriding had lost control and crashed into him.

Pulling back he tenderly kissed her lips. "Now, Jada, we have exactly thirteen hours, forty-eight minutes and seventy-two seconds until I have to go. So show me that stamina, because we're having an all-nighter."

Jada flipped Kyle to his back and sat astride him. She dragged her nails down his chest and wiggled her hips on his, feeling him spring to life beneath her. "Bring it on, big boy, but first..."

She dragged the vampire cape she'd been hugging when he first appeared over his body. "I believe a change of costume is in order."

Kyle gripped her hips hard and groaned, then rolled on top of her to crush his lips to hers for a kiss to last him to eternity.


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