Version 1

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The ramp thudded under the weight of the horses and a chill breeze ripped through the air. The trees rustled and swayed, while horses whinnied to their mates as they were lead away from one another. Looking around I noticed that Old Bobby Gale had parked his truck in the same spot as always. A smile crept onto my face as I remembered when he told me why 'his spot' was the best on the grounds.

"Never get parked in, mighten be real close to the gate Darl, but at least I ain't waitin for all the la de da's to haul out"

It almost made me laugh how much things had changed since then. I'd never forget the first time Dad had introduced me to Old Bob. He had looked almost feral with his untamed beard and bushy eyebrows, I remebered how proud and tall he stood despite his appearence. The way he had to bend down to shake my hand and how I had trembled slightly as his larger hand engulfed my much smaller one. His eyes had held a glint of mischief when he had introduced himself. It wasn't until I was older that it hit me how he had spoken in a much louder and deeper voice then needed, just to rattle me.

I shook my head; it was funny how little things like that had such a strong influence on who we would become.

I remembered the time I had wondered over to his truck without telling my parents. He had thrown me over his shoulder and marched me straight back, telling me I couldn't help him bruch his old Clysdale mare. Thinking back, that was the first time I had really thought about how the people who care for you worry about you. Especially when you were young. I'd never forget how upset I got when he wouldn't let me near his old mare. She was such a beautiful giant, with the softest coat I had ever touched. A smile reformed on my lips as I thought of all the times I had been lifted onto her back, while Old Bob brushed her and told me of all his 'adventures', while he fluffed around and made her look fancy for the heavy horse section.

"The 60cm AM7 is now ready to walk"

The sound of Greg's voice over the PA brought me back just in time to see my daughter climbing under the bunting to walk the course. It amazed me just how similar we were. I had been shaped and formed by the people around me, just like I was now shaping and forming her into the young woman I knew she'd become. The way she walked around with her shoulders and back straight, made me think of myself and how my mother would ride me like I did her when she slouched them.

"You're a tall girl Courtney, be proud of that"

I laughed to myself. The amount of times I had said that was like history repeating itself. I remembered my first show, I was only 10, and at that age I wasn' the most outgoing girl. I was always so scared of looking stupid in front of the other more experienced riders, who were both older and the same age as me. They all knew how to step out their horses strides, and what route was the best to get the right time for the course. An me, well I didn't know any of that. I was just lucky that I had a quiet horse and all I had to do was hold on.

I remembere meeting this one boy. He had been a tall and scrawny kid with curly hair spilling from under his helmet. I remembered how shy I had become as he made his way over to me, and how he had helped me out that day, walking the course with me and teaching me how to step out strides. "Four of your big steps is one of your horses strides". Thinking about it, walking a course was kind of like making your way through life, you just have to step it out in order to find the right path for you. I thought back on how that first feeling of shyness turned into something more as we had both gotten older. A full blown smile etched itself onto my face, as I watched that same boy, now turned man, enter the ring and help our daughter walk the course, just like he had me.

My name being called brought me out of my reverie and I looked to see my daughter racing back over.

"Mum! I need Mist now, you were supposed to bring her over"

"I'm comin, Jesus, you're not runnin late yet"

She turned around then, but not before rolling her eyes at me. It made me think of all the times I had given my own mother that sort of cheek. I was beginning to think that the group of girls she was hanging around with at school were not as good an influence as I had first thought. But looking back I was the same, and I spose I didn't turn out so bad.

I hope you enjoy this, these stories do not have any titles, as that was not necessary, but if you have any suggestions for an appropriate one, then I am open to them all. This is version 1, version 2 will be slightly similiar and then version 3 and 4 will be different to version 1 and 2, but similar to one another (I hope that makes sense). Anyway enough of my chit chat, read and enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you think.



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