Innocent Pt.2 ((SeaChaos))

Start from the beginning


The Italian dropped to his heels, then grabbed his gun, positioning it so the throw back wouldn’t injure him. Gazing through the scope once more, Anthony’s finger found the sniper rifle’s trigger as the figure passed the window again. Taking a deep breath, he steadied the shot. Waited for the right moment, then…


Shadow appears.

Stops by the window.


Perfect timing.






Shout of pain.






Anthony sighed as he saw the figure fall, the bullet piercing Max’s skull. Dead on.








Anthony scrambled back,eyes widened as he paled. Nothing. Happened. No game over or whatever that would signify an end to this hell. Nothing.


He had screwed up.


Max was innocent.


Anthony’s breathing quickened, and he looked to Adam, who looked just as surprised, just as pale.


“I-I just…”


The Italian whimpered, and Adam quickly made his way over to comfort his friend. He wrapped his arms around Anthony again, and the other male buried his face into the American’s shoulder as they perched on the crumbling roof. Running his fingers through Anthony’s dark hair, Adam cooed softly, trying to calm the Italian the best he could,


“Shhh…..You didn’t know...Anyone could’ve made the mistake….This is only a game.”


“How do you know?”


Anthony looked up at Adam with red eyes-- he had been crying..


“I know because I have a bit of sense. And I don’t think someone would actually take the time to knock us all out, drag us to one place, and then watch us kill each other. Which would take a few days. Besides, look at all of us. You were in New York. Mark was in L.A at the time. Evan was in Canada. Daithi and Jack were in Ireland. Bob was in Connecticut. Steven was in Seattle for something, wasn’t he? Why would someone take the time to drag us all here from our different locations and even countries?”


Anthony nodded, understanding. But guilt was coming in waves now, making him shudder and more tears to flow down his cheeks.


“Trust me, it’s a game.”


“Never Trust Nanners..”


Anthony chuckled sadly,and something flashed in Adam’s eyes, confusing the helpless Italian. He rested his head on Adam’s chest, who hugged him closer.


“You should trust me..”


Adam murmured, and Anthony responded softly,




“Because I wouldn’t do this if this were real.”


Confused, Anthony looked up at Adam before he felt an agonising pain between his shoulderblades. The Italian started coughing, and his breathing went thick as blood dripped down his back, and his shirt was quickly soaked crimson. His chest heaved, and every breath was a stabbing pain in his ribcage. Faint awareness entered him that tears were cascading down Adam’s cheeks, and a slight look behind him saw a glittering hilt of a knife protruding from between his shoulderblades. Ah, his tormentor. His thoughts whirled,


Knife.  Knife-Adam-Terrorist. Game. Pain. Scream..?


But Anthony couldn’t find the air to scream. His vision started fading as the pain grew worse, but he slowly became numb. He could hear Adam continue to cry, clutching the Italian to him, burying his face into his dark curls.


“I-I’m so,so sorry An-Anthony..”


The world slowly faded to black as the pain disappeared, leaving Anthony cold and numb in what he could only think of as a waiting room. A cold and bleak and dark waiting room. Voices drifted in and out of his hearing, sounding an awful lot like his fallen friends.  Words were scorched into his brain, seared into his eyesight ,even behind his eyelids. It bore a cold reminder of the previously beloved game,


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