I still remember...

538 9 16

Ralsei woke up at his bedroom in the castle, again.
He didn't have to watch the clock to know what time was it, he lived this so many times that he knew that right now it was... -7:30 Am- Ralsei said almost whispering, knowing all what was going to happen, when and who would do it, he knew how to answer.

He got out of his bedroom, and went to the kitchen, made himself sime breakfast, and got his cloak.

¥=¥=¥=¥=¥=¥Time Skip¥=¥=¥=¥=¥=¥=¥

It was time already...
Ralsei was feeling neutral, knowing exactly what was about to happen, Susie and Kris coming, Kris would tell him that he already knew the legend, Lancer would interrupt them, and that would be the begining...

But time passed...

And nobody came...

Ralsei was getting really nervous, something was changing, maybe for good, maybe for bad, he didn't know

Time passed, nothing happened until...

-A-ANYONE! PLEASE HELP!- A Rudinn screamed running coming frim the direction that Kris and Susie always came from.

Ralsei was now even more nervous, but went to the outside to see what was happening.
He went with the Rudinn and asked him what happened.

-I just- I was- it was so fast- all of them... Oh my god...- Rudinn could barely talk, he was criying loudly, an expresiin of pue terror in his face
-Calm down, you are safe now, Breathe, you are with me- Ralsei tried to calm him down succesfully -Now tell me, what happened?- The mage asked -It all happened too fast, we were with the King's son, Lancee, doung our routine of checking if any lightners have fallen down, replacing the turrets ammo, when suddenly we heard like someone was walking, then, Lancer went running to where the noise came from, leaving us behind, and when we got there...- Rudinn expresion went back ti a terrified one
Ralsei gave him some time to continue -Lancer... That human... That face...- he did a small pause -A human killed the prince and all my party, he was with a pink monster, but he was the one who killed all my party....-

After telling the story, they decided that the best thing to do was that Rudinn went to the castle and adviced everyone about this human while Ralsei stayed and "got him some time"

After an hour of waiting, Ralsei heard footsteps and he preoared to fight, maybe he could make Kris to get back in his mind and do another reset, or he could beat him enough times until he gives up.

When Ralsei saw him, he didn't detect anything strange, but when he got closer, he noticed that Kris's Right eye was glowing red and Susie was not there...

Before the fight began, Ralsei tried to talk, and give him the possibility of not having to fight, but he decided to act like he never met this human before
-Before we begin, i just wanted to tell you, human, this doesn't hace to be like this, you can avoid this fight, turn back and go away, we don't have to fight...-
Before Ralsei could continue, he was interrupted by a laugh
-haha...hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA, Oh, Ralsei, always so innocent, you couldn't even hurt a fly, what if i told you that i have already tried to do this peacefully and always ended up dead? As much as we tried, we always failed, so, tell me, what makes you feel this time it will be different? Oh! Right! You don't remember any of the resets!!! Guess you don't remember all the times we failed! So, tell me, what would be dif...- before Kris could keep talking, Ralsei whispered something
-What did you judt say?- Kris asked while he was still with that psycho smile -126- Ralsei said
-What?- Krisbwas now confused, he didn't get what Ralsei meant with "126"
-126 times, exactly, we hsve tried to beat the king peacefully, 3 times you decide to try fighting, but we always failed...- Ralsei said, now with a completly neutral expresion

-Wait, so, this means you remember every reset?!?! Why? How? Since when?- Kris's expresion was now turning into one, that Ralsei didn't know what was it like exactly, but Kris's eye stopped glowing and then he began criying.

-All this time... I have been so alone...
No one could understand, and if someone did, they would forget the next reset... But now... We may have a chance...- Kris now looked a little bit better

-Yes, now that we bith know that we remember, we may create a plan...- Ralsei, for once in a long time felt hope, he was sure that they could make it.

-So, are you ready? Shall i reset?- Kris asked

-yeah, but this time, it will be the last reset- Ralsei said with determination

-Ok, let's try our bests, see you on the next timelin...- Kris was about to finish his sentence when Ralsei hugged him tightly and began criying no his chest

-I-I'm sorry i didn't tell you before, i just couldn't do it! What if you didn't remember? What would i do?- Ralsei began criying louder

-Hey, it's ok now, we will make it, we just have to stay determined, we can do it... Together.- when Kris finished, Ralsei stared at his eyes for a second and then he said "thank you" in a whisper, then left that hug

-So, umm, should you reset?- Ralsei said

-Yeah, but before, i have to do something- and just when he finished saying this, he kissed Ralsei for a short period of time -Goodbye Ralsei...-

Then it all turned black.



c ya soon!!!

*Consumes bleach and dies*

My dear prince (Krisei)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora